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cisarc2 last won the day on May 18 2020

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  1. I actually was planning on trying that this weekend. I think I will try a brush on coat of it first and see how it reacts & holds up. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
  2. That's a great idea as well. It has been great so far. I just used it for a jerk bait to cut out a baby bass stencil and it worked quite well.
  3. I have watched some videos using plastic, heat guns, and vacuums to melt plastic over a blank to make homemade stencils. So far, I haven't been super successful at that technique. I went searching for another and I know I posted another video/topic to use Play-Doh to help conceal eyes during the painting process. Well this week I took it further and decided to test the waters on molding the entire bait and letting it dry after cutting. And to my surprise, it was remarkable. There are a few properties of Play-Doh that make perfect and not perfect at the same time, but with a couple tricks I have learned from you guys I have sealed each stencil in super glue which adds a ton of durability to each stencil. I wanted to share in hopes to give you all at tip and trick that could be beneficial to you all if you are looking to make a certain pattern and speed up painting times without needing a ton of tape or a 3D printer. Hope this helps!
  4. That's great info, thanks. I hope to get into building my own baits in the near future. Just need to upgrade some tools before I can get into that.
  5. I am rather new to painting and making lures, but I haven't seen this done or read it yet along any of the message boards so I thought I'd share this little trick. With the quarantine going on it has slowed some of my ability to ship blanks in to paint to keep me busy, so I have resorted going to the local Cabela's to lures from the sale bins that I could re-paint. I have come across a few that have done an extraordinary job glueing the eyes in a recessed eye hole. So instead of digging it out and potentially scratching the bait up too much I looked for another method to cover it up and preserve it. At first I tried tape and it just couldn't protect the whole thing. Then I thought about Play-Doh.. crazy I know. But it works like a charm!! Obviously it can be molded and tucked in there for preservation and once you finish up things look great! Below is a video I put together to better explain and show it. Thanks for the time and I'd love to hear any other tips or tricks you all have learned while painting & creating.
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