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  1. So I'm dabbling into and carving crankbaits out of different types of wood. This one in particular is cedar. I have not started sanding, so it is pretty rough right now. I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on where to go forward before I start taking wood off that I can't put back on..? My original plan was to make a medium diver 12 ft to 14 ft. But as far as shape how does it look so far? And I am up for any recommendation for any augmentation of the shape as it sits currently. And when I start sanding what grit should I start with and what grit should I end with? Thanks for any help
  2. CNC molds is what you want. It's often a common first timers misconception that they need more cavities. When the reality fewer cavity shoot better. Then comes your packaging. I found that clear bags made in the USA is a place to get your packaging when you decide what type and the size dimension packaging you want you want clear bags to send a stencil to your graphic designer in which you have designed what you want your bag to look like and they can put it on your bag. Then you want to find a good plastisol provider I will suggest MF or lurer craft. You can also get your coloring and your glitter from those providers as well. If you look at the top of the soft plastic form there will be a soft plastic code recipe book you can download in which there are some beautiful colors and shelf colors that zoom, Berkeley, and other popular name brands use. It also includes some of TU members own personal recipes you'll be good to go after that
  3. Thanks for the response Alsworms. I decided to go a different route. Thanks for your input
  4. Thanks for your time and honest opinion. You're 100% right it is a very very tough industry to get your foot in the door. But to any of that is interested the proper steps on my end will be transparent and honest with good intentions I would never try to sell a business especially when I created if that business was in the red. I don't believe that would be very honest or definitely not high moral code. I don't want to let it go but I would love to see someone who has been in the business and has their own distribution and might see my company and it's volume as a asset to their bottom line. It'd be pretty cool to see how far someone that's already pretty well known can take it. It's always very interesting to me how some people find the way in this industry to Excel way beyond expectations. I came very close and talking with Jim at Major League fishing to do a deal with them. You're basically paid to play. I just love fishing and everything about it and would be really something to hang my hat on if anything I did inspire the next generation to keep the boats in the water and the lines tight. I appreciate you man
  5. TennesseeRiversTackleCo.com Or Swamper.org ** Both will lead you to these website
  6. It is NOT a failing company....Also, of course I would open my books, for serious potential buyers. My distribution would transfer and not skip a beat. You may have never heard of company. That's understandable, there is 100s of companies like mine. But that doesn't change the fact I'm in stores in Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. Along with orders directly from my website. I've found my niche and only want to sell if someone was looking for a turn and key business. My molds are solid. I will just keep them for personal use. Thanks for your reply.
  7. I found out fairly quickly that I do not like adding salt to my slow sinking baits. I find that soft sinking plastisol, Falls almost at the exact rate as Gary's senko. Now I know salt increases the volume of your plastisol greatly but I find it hard to match the color scheme I want because the salt tends to change the color when added. It also tears a lot easier. What is y'all's opinion when using salt versus a Plastisol that has a sinking variant in it?
  8. Here's a little beauty! What yall think?
  9. I found this to be one of the hardest things to get done. There's a company based here in America call "clear bags" that's the company you want to go to. Your brows there specific types of bags there are types just for fishing lures. Once you get the dimensions of the bag you want you need to get your graphic designer incontact with the person at clear bags. Clear bags will send a stencil what the dimensions needed to fit your particular bag to your graphic designer and your graphic designer will modify everything you want to fit the bag you want. I couldn't be more happier and how my bags in particular turned out and how cooperative and nice the people that clear bags are. Hope this helps
  10. Well since this post, Bumblebee signature short arm spinnerbait has now been reinvented oh, well not reinvented but I did was recycled by Mike Iaconelli I just recently came out with a short-arm spinnerbait. Being that said Mike Iaconelli is marketing at its best so he probably will do a lot better then if I had pursued this
  11. Well Hillbilly, ive tied a few now. This is my fist one. Not as pretty as yours, but it caught some fish. Ive gotten much better. But i thought you might get a laugh at this one i called Genesis... as you can see I didn't start the feathers till past halfway the hook. Give me your honest opinion about my first try and then I'll post my last one I tied. Still not as pretty as yours but very similar. And one more thing hillbilly, what is your opinion on using like real turkey feathers, owl feathers, Hawk, goose, hummingbird,
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