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Everything posted by Shepherd

  1. Always found tattoo artist are pretty good at the things you mentioned. Ask for painting and even Sealing
  2. Haha.... you sure you're not a Stephen Hawkins? Dave you're becoming one of my favorite guys on this site
  3. It could be a motor oil/clean motor oil laminate? My gut tells me root beer in the bottom though but you're right about colors playing off each other. Clean motor oil not heavily colored could play off of a dense motor oil top
  4. Yeah it almost looks like watermelon on top and then root beer on the bottom
  5. I would say you have to get that custom made. Have you looked at octopus jig mold? I know it comes in 3, 4, 5, 6 ounce jig heads. They look like they would stay on the bottom just fine. That's just a alternative..
  6. Good info dave...your brain works in unearthly ways. But, allow me to catch you if I may. Just for fun It involves determining the identities of three gods named A, B, and C by asking them three questions... Here is the riddle: “Three gods, A, B, and C, are called, in some order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is completely random. You must determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-or-no questions, and each question must be posed to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language. In their unknown language, the words for “yes” and “no” are “da” and “ja,” in some order. You do not know which word means which.” So, which questions would you ask to identify each god?
  7. Rocknrolla is that handle named after the movie..? If so, i like it! 3 oz football jig heads. Without asking for too much detail about your fishing tactics, what makes you want such a heavy jig?
  8. I agree with Frank...looks like root beer to me
  9. I agree. The juice aint worth the squeez....
  10. I think im gonna put a pin in that idea, for now. They do look pretty cool though. Im gonna go arrowhead huntin tom afternoon after the rain we supposed to get today. I have my best ideas, without thinkin at all when im out there...i preciate your response!
  11. I appreciate the videos. I don't want to have my company be known for gimmick lures because that will discredit my other lures as they will see one in the same. In the idea of the skull jig, I was almost thinking it would have a good wobble on the bottom if Maid-Rite. But as a small custom designer my reputation is all I got
  12. Well written thread, i wouldnt throw it away either. .
  13. Dave I apologize I take what I said back about you not sharing from beginning to end. I just saw I believe it was the bawal vid. I definitely can respect you for doing that. Like I said I apologize
  14. I'm having a lot of success on Ike's headbanger football jig... if you're a jig man and I hadn't tried it, I would definitely pick one up.
  15. I agree, when I was bouncing the idea back and forth with my buddy. We were evaluating it in the way performance and we both gave it a thumbs down. I love jigs, there's not a time I don't go out where the majority of the time I'll be throwing a half ounce football jig, especially this time of year where Alabama heat index I've been 115 to 117° what's the surface temperature hovering around 90 degrees. In my opinion there's no better jig in the areas I usually fish deep water in then the performance of the football jig. I appreciate your response
  16. This is an old post but I'll weigh in. The form has specific categories in which certain topics will fall under. Whether it be showing off a new design or actively showing the evolution of a product from beginning to end. Which you talk a lot about, but I've never seen a forum in which you have done so. I've seen some where you talk about the science behind some of your designs, but never have posted any pictures from beginning to end. I think you're just as afraid as we all are of someone stealing your design. I hate that we live in a world like that, but it's reality. Just look who's online there's only ever no more than 10 members and like 80 guests. I know you and I think differently, which I believe is a good thing. If we're both open-minded we could learn from each other. I feel like when I talk to you my words fall on deaf ears. To go back to the topic at hand. Throw the rulebook out. This is one man's opinion, I myself love seeing people's new work and I will give them constructive criticism or congratulate them on a great design. A little compliment or a little help goes a long way Dave. It might just be the encouraging words one might need continue doing what they love doing and those encouraging words might lead did them having a successful business in this industry. So I think, and it's just my opinion, it falls under the correct category then no member should have a problem with it. But that's another one man's opinion. Not everybody see the world the same way you do Through Your Eyes. I think you are a brilliant man. I've seen your CAD work, it's second to none. But I believe people on this forum including myself, do things just a little differently than you do. No one way is better than the other.
  17. Only serious constructive criticism please. I'm starting to get into making my own jigs. I don't know there's like 10 different style jig heads already, hard to produce something custom and original that can beat what's out on the market. So I came up with this skeleton jig concept... being a good buddy thinks it might be too gimmicky? Also my buddy who I trust wholeheartedly and has been in the business for 35 + years says that mold would be tough to do in common two piece mold.
  18. DGaner, what do you think about any of these?
  19. Man, i appreciate the complement..!
  20. DG....that painting is beautiful man! I like to draw on wood
  21. When someone like us on this board makes a breakthrough and introduces a new design unlike any out there. Then 99.9% of the time the "big" companies just make a knock-off and completely erases us out of the picture. I know there is a little value in being the "original" but they can pump out more and charge far less than we. Patents are $$$$ and copy rights just really protect the name( correct me if im wrong there) so my question is when someone create something unique, how can he capitalize on it to the fullest..?
  22. I appreciate it Hillbilly my old baseball coach is a fly fishing guide around here, he's teaching me how to tie these big feather jigs based on your info. I will send you the pics of the Giant Smallmouth I'll be yanking off the ledges. Thanks again bud
  23. Shepherd


    I don't know Dave, cashew nut chickens pretty good. But I would definitely expect anybody wanting any credibility at Icast this year would definitely have a demo ready, but then again the problem with the preemptive demo is it will be flawless. I would much rather be on that platform with the big tank and I would love the honor to demonstrate and talk through the variety of fishing methods in which I would be doing at that very moment. And any flaw in my design, I would point out. Because in actuality it would just be my opinion . And I'm a nobody , I'm just a Long Haired Country Boy from Alabama . But I know intellectual Showmanship, knowing my design inside and out. every little vorticy distributed through gentle thrusts can be washed away by one single vortex caused by a rapid Rising then Fall. And if I would be able do that with integrity and passion in which courses through my veins. I don't figure this old country boy would need to "sell" much
  24. Bam! Thats what i was waitin for. Gimme some that Voodoo! Ha! But honestly that's one of the best lil jewel of advice I've gotten here. So simple in its complexity. Thats a win win win for everyone. Manufacturer, retailer, and the consumer
  25. Thats how we keep the world spinnin. Thanks man!
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