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Posts posted by Outlaw4

  1. 8 minutes ago, RiverSmallieGuy said:

    I think that to amplify the spitting swoosh sound, you would give it a cupped face, or a face in the style of the Roman Made gliders (such as the Mother or Negotiator.)

    this is not a spitting sound. the swoosh comes from the side to side displacement of water. 

    sometimes referred to as the "death march"....swoosh swoosh swoosh


  2. my first crack would be to bend to tow eye down below centerline. that helps keep downward pressure on the lip. it looks like a thru wire so maybe could cut a small notch below it to get it down easier? This would be easy to move back if its not it.

    second thought would maybe be some weight in small increments between the front hook hanger and the lip?

    cool looking bait though and sounds like you are close. The dialing it in is so very fun and frustrating 

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  3. try soaking overnight in cleaner. i had one do this one time and i was about to just throw it away. im not sure where or how but it cleaned itself out and worked properly again.

    ill also when shoot thinner or isopropyl though at higher psi like 40-45. that sometimes clears up a nasty acting brush.

  4. the hardened .062 bucktail wire will work fine in there. 

    If you are looking to make it close to original you can get the hook hangers. Otherwise on new ones i drill to the middle and use a swivel for the hook hanger. 

    If you need i can show you more detailed picture later but here you can get the idea

    another thing you will want to do if fishing it is to back off those blade screws a bit so the blade is loose so it will "chirp". This chirp is why they were often called bird lures

    X Globe (Copy) (2).jpg

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  5. Airbrushes are just precision spray paint tools. They can shoot most any kind of paint you want.

    Lure paint depends a lot on topcoat plan. if your going to epoxy then any of the water based stuff works good. 

    if no epoxy then lacquers are a better choice, or anything not water based. Just need the appropriate cleaners and PPE.

    I'd always vote for as large a compressor as is feasible. But as previously stated the water trap / regulator needs to be used with any.


  6. for less than $20 you can build a turner. A disco ball turner and 1x6 and your good to go. It's well worth the time if your thinking epoxy.

    Clear coating is one of the trickier parts of a build to get right. I'd put as many advantages as you can in your favor. 

  7. i have a 5" horny toad stone mold. Its a direct upsized knock off. You wont get that stateside. It makes serviceable baits for personal use. Kind of dull but look shiny when wet :) . Puts fish in the boat.

    CNC molds make nice baits. 

    I'd pick CNC at a higher price if given the choice. They just make nicer baits.

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  8. ive dabbled in all sorts of concoctions but mostly just buy the iwata cleaner in 32oz bottles now. in between colors mostly use reducer to flush. 

    i have had some funny reactions between paint and some homebrew solutions so pretty much just stick to the brand name stuff.

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  9. i use two coats of polyurethane on wood with pretty good success. with a couple of coats of epoxy over layers of paint. I've also used polyacrylic on a few and really that worked good too but i dont have tons of time on those baits but its super clean and safe so im going to build more this year this way.

    1st coat of poly as a sealer and to lift the grain

    sand in between coats to smooth grain.

    2nd coat to smooth for base coat of paint.

    Epoxy sealing is really good too, i think maybe its the best way but it always seems to take xtra time vs poly for the added benefit. But i'd use if i needed one lure to last as long as possible.

    Super glue is awesome for building test baits as its fast. the super thin stuff.

    ive not yet tried the UV route but that seems like it could be nice as well.

  10. i like to start with a rectangle and centerline everything and place eyes, hook hangers, weight placement etc then build off of the centerline. you can build very accurate repeatable baits in your garage with basic tools this way. fancier tools will just make it faster

    Crank Order.jpg

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  11. i fiddled with this the other day, i pulled the nozzle out of an old master filled the hopper with dry glitter pulled the trigger and managed to get glitter literally everywhere lol. make sure to put the cap on the bowl. looked like i spent a long night at the club as covered in glitter as i was.

    as for getting glitter on the bait, yeah it kind of did that. but not efficient at all. and not controllable. 

    Maybe one of those contraptions guys shoot power out of would work?

    custom helmet painters and motorcycle guys paint on all of their metal flake. It is mixed with clear base coat and sprayed. so this is totally doable. i'd imagine looking at a few of those videos would get a guy on track. 

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  12. the picture of the globe i recently put in the gallery uses .062 wire, you can just kind of see the front wrap in the picture. its really easy to do with a round nose pliers to make the loop, then a punch (or broken drill bit i use lol) and a vice grip. Once you make the loop, put it around the punch that is secured in vice, grab the tab end with the vice grip, do half a wrap, then flip the loop on the punch, half a wrap etc to get two or three or whatever you like. Its super easy to do on both ends this way. Most people dont leave themselves long enough tag ends. Wire is cheap lol

  13. a cool way to make a thu wire pikie is too make the line tie run back to the joint, then use another through wire looped through the first for the tail section. use droppers off the main thru wire for the hook hangers, i like to use swivels as the droppers.

  14. if your talking inline spinners just start them long, and finish the loop eye with one wrap. Cut off re-configure the loop and wrap. The length does not have much of a performance / action effect (at least on musky size stuff, but does have a vibration effect that changes the finished product. I do this ALOT. You can get several changes per wire. Its the best way i have found so far

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