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Everything posted by UKandy

  1. Brilliant explanation, that was a good read & very helpful Andy.
  2. It's been a pleasure working on this project with you Dave, can't thank you enough for your time, knowledge & hard work. I hope many others benefit from your spreadsheet. Cheers buddy, Andy.
  3. Thank you, it's good to chat with you all, I can already see that I'm going to learn a great deal from you guys. Andy.
  4. Thanks for the information it's really helpful, the graph is very interesting, I'm going to do some testing over the weekend using Dave's spreadsheet to work out what's going on with the products I am curently using. I think the way forward is Alumilite & proper glass bubbles though, the supplier of my products has told me their resin & fillite product ate more dense than Alumilite & glass bubbles. I think by what Dave has suggested this can make a huge difference from the start! Andy.
  5. Hi Anglinarcher, Can I ask how you've found Alumilite for casting your lures, do you rate it highly? I would be interested to see your information also. Also what kind of microballoons & amounts do you add to your casts to get good buoyancy? Many thanks Andy.
  6. Dave you certainly know what you're doing, I'm very happy to have you on board to help me & others out. I will do my very best with the tests! Andy.
  7. Brilliant Dave thank you, I will eagerly await the information & spreadsheet, I'm sure it will help others in the future also, so a big thumbs up too you! Hope you enjoy the rest of your vodka Andy.
  8. Hi Dave, Firstly thank you for your kind reply, I really appreciate your help & advice. You are right I do feel like I've slightly failed at this stage, I put so much effort into getting the mould & casting looking correct & thought the next stages would be straight forward after following the guidance from YouTube! I have kept the 2 lure casts that I made & have further made 4 little resin test casts from some silicone bun cups, I used a 20g resin mix for each test but with differing amounts of fillite, been a 20% mix, 30% mix, 40% mix & 50% mix, the 20% & 30% mixes sank! The 40% & 50% floated & you could easily see the difference in buoyancy between each cast when in the water. The 40% mix slowly sank after adding 0.62g of lead. The 50% mix slowly sank after adding 1.5g of lead. I have a gram scale & I'm looking forward to learning from your advice. I'm happy for you to help me over PM or on this thread Dave, I'm just happy your here to help out. Thanks again, massively Andy.
  9. Hello everyone, I'm new here & to lure making, so I hope I don't make too much of a fool of myself! I would like to ask for some guidance regarding some 7" resin lures that I cast yesterday, these particular ones where going to be a slow sink jerk bait. After speaking with the supplier of the products I needed, he suggested what casting epoxy resin I should be using & told me he already supplys this resin to other lure makers. I have watched numerous YouTube videos of how to cast resin lures & pretty much followed them to a tee. I calculated the resin needed to create my lure which was 120ml/g total & added 10% 12g fillite (company's branded glass spheres), which by my understanding of the YouTube videos should give me a good buoyant lure. After the resin lure had cured, I weighed it and it was 106g, I next tested it's buoyancy and it sank like a brick ha ha. I was quite confused by this, so I made another lure but added a 50% 60g fillite mix to the 120ml/g resin mix. The result seemed good, it floated, however if I added 5g lead it sank slowly, bearing in mind I need to add 2 hooks, split rings and a through wire still, I would already be over, or near too the 5g with the hardware & if I was to make a topwater glide bait for instance it would already be sinking. I would have thought, with a 50% mix of fillite glass spheres I should be able to add more lead than 5g to get my desired sink rate & swim action? So can you help me please? Are different brands of casting resins more or less buoyant than each other? I see on YouTube that a few lure makers use alumilite resin & I'm wondering if there are specific brands I should be using to aid buoyancy. Does the 5g lead added that sinks the lure sound correct? They are my first so I'm unsure! And could the fillite glass spheres that I'm adding somehow be different to the microbubbles that I've seen in videos, as in creating better buoyancy? I really appreciate you guys who read and help me with this. Thank you, Andy.
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