Hi! I've learned a LOT just by reading this forum (as well as many other sources, and watching youtube videos, among other things), so thank you guys for posting. This place is an incredible wealth of knowledge! Been reading for about 2 months. Decided to start making my own musky lures, and I seem to have an issue I'm not sure how to solve. Before I go ruining the 5 baits I've got sitting here waiting, I figured perhaps the time had come to sign up for an account and ask you guys.
The lures I have are completed, save for epoxy. Thing is, the epoxy I'm using, eTex, doesn't seem to want to bond very well to some of the colors I'm using (Createx - but issues are with the pearls and metallics). I'm getting fisheyes in the three lures I've already epoxied, and I'm not sure what to do about them. To fix the fisheye in the existing ones, I'm going to just use small amounts of epoxy and let the lures cure to fill in those holes. But before I go epoxying the remaining 5 (all painted the same), I thought I'd ask you guys how to prevent/fix this.
A few things: After the lures have been sealed with sanding sealer, they are never again touched with bare hands. I work in latex for all the painting/priming/hook hangers/etc. The lures are blown off with compressed air from my airbrush prior to epoxy to ensure there's no surface contamination/dust. My epoxy drying rig is a 2x2x3' box covered in 4mil plastic sheet, so there's nothing landing on them or settling on them during curing. I am not thinning the epoxy at all, and I mix it according to the instructions on the box. I'm not having any issues with it clouding or curing to hardness, just the fisheyes. I'm mixing it and then letting it sit for a few minutes (2-3?) before application. I've tried letting it sit 10 minutes, but by the time I get to the third bait, it's already so sticky that it's very difficult to work with. I am not interested in switching to D2T, I tried it, and the working time is just too short for me, as an amateur. I'm not that fast at all this yet. Perhaps as I improve, but for now, I need the longer working time of eTex.
Some thoughts I had: Shoot them with a clearcoat (probably rattle can), and then epoxy while that's still just a bit tacky so the epoxy has something better to adhere to (the aforementioned pearls and metallics dry to a very slick finish), or, shoot them with clear, let it fully cure, then scuff it with like a scotchbrite pad or similar prior to epoxy.
The problem with #1 is I don't know if the trapped solvent will be an issue from not letting it cure. The problem with #2 is I don't know if that would create a "cloudy" look to them, which I want to avoid. I spent a LOT of time painting these, and I want to be sure the paint job shows the amount of effort I put into it.
Thanks in advance for all your help!