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werby1 last won the day on January 18

werby1 had the most liked content!

About werby1

  • Birthday 08/16/1968

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  • Location
    Fredericksburg, virginia
  • Interests
    Oil painting, fly tying, fly fishing, camping

werby1's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Almost ready for Bass in the next few weeks. The Deer Hair Bass Bug is my goto popper pattern for big and smallies and looking forward to the river and lakes in the next two or three weeks. This pattern is broken into two videos with the first being dedicated to tying and the second to trimming deer hair. Hope you enjoy. part 1: https://youtu.be/jbjc4VytMGU part 2: https://youtu.be/G936PwIGVFU
  2. Hello, My name is George and have been fly fishing for years but tying for about 8 months. I am enjoying the forum and looking forward to sharing videos and learning some new and traditional techniques. I would like to share a cricket pattern I have been tying for awhile which is simple and fun. I hope you enjoy The video link is https://youtu.be/NyOwkVFjYWU
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