Bruce County Brook Trout
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If you can't find the twist tech https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005001679748603.html?gps-id=storeRecommendH5&scm=1007.18500.187585.0&scm_id=1007.18500.187585.0&scm-url=1007.18500.187585.0&pvid=e364242e-079f-491a-a93e-33fbcf8001bc&_t=gps-id%3AstoreRecommendH5%2Cscm-url%3A1007.18500.187585.0%2Cpvid%3Ae364242e-079f-491a-a93e-33fbcf8001bc%2Ctpp_buckets%3A668%230%23131923%238_668%230%23131923%238_668%23888%233325%2312_668%23888%233325%2312_668%232846%238115%232000_668%235811%2327172%236_668%236421%2330824%23304_668%232717%237561%23321__668%233374%2315176%23677_668%232846%238115%232000_668%235811%2327172%236_668%236421%2330824%23304_668%232717%237561%23321_668%233164%239976%23296_668%233374%2315176%23677&pdp_ext_f={"scene"%3A"8500"}&browser_id=980ad14155d742c08ac4e108bd3d6b66&aff_trace_key=&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=17b26ab28581ecefd4f823337aa1b4e6e75c72c7fe&gclid= https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1920974007.html?gps-id=storeRecommendH5&scm=1007.18500.187585.0&scm_id=1007.18500.187585.0&scm-url=1007.18500.187585.0&pvid=e364242e-079f-491a-a93e-33fbcf8001bc&_t=gps-id%3AstoreRecommendH5%2Cscm-url%3A1007.18500.187585.0%2Cpvid%3Ae364242e-079f-491a-a93e-33fbcf8001bc%2Ctpp_buckets%3A668%230%23131923%238_668%230%23131923%238_668%23888%233325%2312_668%23888%233325%2312_668%232846%238115%232000_668%235811%2327172%236_668%236421%2330824%23304_668%232717%237561%23321__668%233374%2315176%23677_668%232846%238115%232000_668%235811%2327172%236_668%236421%2330824%23304_668%232717%237561%23321_668%233164%239976%23296_668%233374%2315176%23677&pdp_ext_f={"scene"%3A"8500"}&browser_id=980ad14155d742c08ac4e108bd3d6b66&aff_trace_key=&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=17b26ab28581ecefd4f823337aa1b4e6e75c72c7fe&gclid= https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32847232752.html?spm=a2g0n.detail.0.0.3f0113f3NeNjZB&gps-id=platformRecommendH5&scm=1007.18499.187582.0&scm_id=1007.18499.187582.0&scm-url=1007.18499.187582.0&pvid=f11d5f10-2d9b-4d71-a228-87a78e162598&_t=gps-id%3AplatformRecommendH5%2Cscm-url%3A1007.18499.187582.0%2Cpvid%3Af11d5f10-2d9b-4d71-a228-87a78e162598%2Ctpp_buckets%3A668%230%23131923%2394_668%23888%233325%2312_8499%230%23187582%233_8499%234696%2321885%2317_668%232846%238115%232000_668%235811%2327172%236_668%236421%2330824%23304_668%232717%237561%23321__668%233374%2315176%23677&pdp_ext_f={"scene"%3A"8499"}&browser_id=980ad14155d742c08ac4e108bd3d6b66&aff_trace_key=&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=17b26aa36321fa586877e482e3021e50f7bcf67fe3&gclid=
Hello JD_mudbug Good they made it. I wondered about the envelopes with just bubble wrap. But I know I over secured them a bit to much. I'm glad you like them. Thank you so much for taking them out on the water, the detailed report and pictures. Congratulations you're the second person to ever catch a fish on this lure, and you hold the record for most fish. I tried again last weekend at the bottom of a dam. I was standing in a foot of water 5 feet from shore next to a drop off a old concrete wall, I kept expecting a big Pike to chase it out of the deep at the last second. Nothing. At first I hooked a little bass on a inline spinner there though. Yes this lure design does have a small fish feel. I find it has a lot of drag so it spins at very low speeds, a nice slow roll like you said. The small swimbaits were what I had and what started with. The hooks I had were #8 and #6. Enough with the excuses though. 1A-1B will start with 1.5mm SS and a 5/0 EWG. I ordered 5/0 down to 1/0. I'm hoping for a +10lbs bass look to it. What will be what 95 percent of people want to see. Having a larger hook and bigger swimbaits may stop the blade strikes. A medium fish chasing little fish is what I was going for. The idea about territorial predator fish not being in the mood to feed but angry at any smaller fish that might try to feed near them. Since we're still in this tread, where I over analyze a homemade patent, and you've seen and remembered a ton of lures. Have you seen anything like it? With experimentation recorded in my notes, it's the opposite curves of the sequences on the chain that makes it possible. I know you have mentioned this lead ban before. I got away with it because I wasn't flagged for inspection maybe? I'm not a business, I'm sending a personal package? If someone does report me in the future? I wanted to send you an example and I thought you probably don't have a 1g 1/32oz jig head. On others I've made up I didn't include the lead jig head because they are HH hook clasps for EWG's. Thanks for looking out for me. The way I made these I was thinking is one was the gold was for shallow water and the EWG hook. The silver was glow in the dark made for a jig maybe a 3.5g or 7g to get you down there. I wanted the hook to ride standing up to hook the top of the fishes mouth. Sounds to me like you switch them how you like, maybe it runs sideway? If you do, good for you, I never tried that. About your unbent lure for the streams. I'm in the streams and all I get is 25 bait fish in a panic following every cast. I have watched tiny bait fish feeding in small schools in the river. If I jig this lure off the bottom I can get a very similar random tiny flashing feeding pattern. Or maybe load it up with heavy beads and troll it around later in the season? Good luck whatever to whatever you make. Thanks again. p.s. I'm working on a 1B-1A, totally different, no chains or sequencing, it has magnets.
Best wire forming tool for me is jewelery pliers. One side is a cone and the other side is a curved channel matching the cone. Not the more common double cone style you'll find at the dollar store. The wire may pinch a bit on the sides, but I round off the edges on the cup side with a file. These pliers along with a needle nose with smooth jaws to make some tight wraps. Making different size loop, bends or angles, maybe only with pliers?
I buy little coils of stainless steel orthodontic wire 50g / 1.76oz each. Diameters range from .5mm / 0.0196" or 1/64" .6mm, .7mm, .8mm, .9mm, 1mm / .0393" or 3/64" you can also find 1.5mm / .059 or 1/16" .5mm might be between 30 to 40 feet. For $2.50 CAD all totaled delivered for each one. When using small diameter wire, I had a problem with the holes of a clevis being to large and making the whole clevis sit off-center on a thin diameter wire. To much wobble or never being lined up right to begin with. A clevis with holes just slightly larger then the wire seems best.
Underground Spin 1A-1A-HH-T28
Bruce County Brook Trout replied to Bruce County Brook Trout's topic in Wire Baits
On a tip from from Apdriver this is the "flashy swimmer" It has a tiny little blade in a willow shape. Maybe at one time they had a double blade version. It has similarities The double wire around the main wire I had seen twice before, and I copied it. One was on a lure out of Australia with twin willow blades off a main wire. I have a picture somewhere. I have a similar tiny blade like this "flashy swimmer" with just one hole in a willow shape and a herringbone pattern. I tired it, but it didn't spin half as well as a sequence tipped with a Colorado blade. 4 was the ticket, 5 was to many. The alternate back to back convex / concave curve of the tiny willows is what makes it spin so nice. That's where the magic happens. -
great stuff https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC6eVTYpYuNzfQf428Pe2NgQ/videos
Underground Spin 1A-1A-HH-T28
Bruce County Brook Trout replied to Bruce County Brook Trout's topic in Wire Baits
Underground Spin 1A-1A-HH-T28
Bruce County Brook Trout replied to Bruce County Brook Trout's topic in Wire Baits
congradulations! frist fish ever caught on a underground spin. i downloaded the picture. i had it out two days ago, lots of little fish chasing it along the banks of a river, no fish big enough to bite it. i was trying a slow jerky retrive along the bottom. I know everyone would probably like a larger diameter wire to feel better about targeting larger fish. But you see the tube for the clasp i was using was a great fit for that 8mm wire, doubled over. Sorry to hear about the snag in the rocks, and losing the lure. I got in some branches and with a mintue of gentle shaking I managed to get it out. But i had the ewg hook tucked in the back of a soft bait swimtail on that one. I added the ring at the front, and I regret it sometimes. I had my snap swivel connector slide around the front and under the little wires, and i was trying to prevent that with the ring. Its easy to cut off. It seems to fall really nice in the water. I wonder if someone will find a way to do some vertical jigging from a boat with it. Thank you for taking a intrest and trying it out. Catching a fish and taking a picture is amazing, i ran and showed my wife. When i have version 2A ready I'll have to ask you again. 1.5mm wire is on order. I'll be copying over to wire baits forum section. I hope more people will see this and possibly build them.
Update: I have finished making all the lures I could. I was able to make 56 lures, 28 gold, 28 silver. I packaged them together in 28 packages. I was not able to completely finish packing because I ran out of swimbaits, more swimbaits are on the way. The first batch 1A-1A-HH-T28 has a horizontal hook clasp, made for EWG hooks. If all goes well the second run will be 1A-1B-VH-(?) With a vertical hook clasp made for jig heads. I have made up 4 special packages for the people who responded above, they are in the mail. Originally I had wanted to send out more, possibly a dozen. But I have had no one come across this post and ask for a free lure to be sent to them all by themselves. Because I only had to make up packages for 4 people, I made up a total of 12 lures. 8 Special Edition, 4 gold for EWG's, 4 silver "glow in the dark" for jig heads, and 4 unfinished unbent unbeaded lures, 2 in gold, 2 in silver. 1A-SE1-HH-T4, 1A-SE1-VH-T4, 1A-00-00. I plan to put the 28 packages of 1A-1A-HH-T28 up on ebay.ca. One at a time with a 7 day auction. That will give me time to make up more if need be. I will also trade with anyone interested, and I'll try my best to make them to custom specs. Larger maybe more popular. I know it's hard to price what you make because of all the hours and love you put into it. I have wondered to, what to value this lure at. Because it is a brand new design and a prototype it maybe valued a little different. Like a first run prototype car maybe valued in the millions. Eventually things are scaled up and you can buy one for 20 or 30 thousand dollars. I may start at $9,999.99 each, "Buy Now", and see how it goes. But more likely I will start it at $29.99 for the package. 2 gold and 2 silver, 2 hooks #6 #8 EWG, and 2 random colour swimbaits. I have not done a calculation of how much each one cost me to make and how much time. Every time I seem to get a little faster. 29 maybe to low for me to continue, but a good place to start. And again for the future reader who has their own new design. I took pictures of the process. I have a video of me at a table making a lure start to finish uncut. I have the receipt of the components printed out. I keep them in my notebook with the original sketches of the lure. There was a process of other lure prototypes that got me here, and I have them saved. They are more basic but you can see the development of the idea. The first package I test sent to my father made it there in 4 days. It was slightly worn and I will have to cover all future packages with tape on that one side to prevent this. I am going to resend a package to myself with the lures inside that I will never open so that it is also a type of time stamped proff of design. They are slightly different from what I'm releasing in the first edition, but the same design and components. All this may or may not be enough for a parasite to recognize as legitimate enough to take on another parasite for free for me. Any other ideas still welcome, I may still have a little time, no one has seen one yet. The ebay auction is ready and set to start in a few weeks. The YouTube channel is up and ready. I ran a few lures through the river and took videos from above. The ebay will have a video link to YouTube. I also want to make a few other accounts on other fishing forum websites and get some pictures there. Because I spent time here reading and really appreciate how much knowledge is stored here from years past. Also it doesn't feel like a tech giant website. And it is here where this started. I have named this lure design the "Underground Spin" . I hope that name sticks with this design and they become synonymous. What do you think? When the packages start to arrive in a few days, I will finish this post and start a new one in wire baits for me to post videos, pictures and take any questions or comments.
ravenlures. For me it would be bending wire in the winter and painting in the summer. To cold to paint in the winter here. Putting a cap on what you make, numbering and sequencing a series of different ones over time sounds good for a handmade artist type lure. Is what your making now a new design? If not: if it was a new design you were making and selling, would you sell it differently then you are now ? What if after seeing a new design, you wanted to trying making some and selling them. I wouldn't mind people making my design for themselves and give aways. But if they were selling them I would want something. Acknowledgement of the inventor is easy to do, I think. Even by using the original name of the design. If you started selling my design that you saw here would you send me a small percentage. A buck for each one or 3% 4% 5%? Just curious I try to think of someone else who has created a new lure design and is reading this post. Spending money on lawyers and a patent is a great idea. This is a different idea.
From here the blade looks flat and not really cupped. I tryed similar small Colorado blades with what seemed like way to much curve to them. They didn't spin. I hammered them to have less of a concave and I did manage to get them to spin but it wasn't easy, I had to pull fast. As stated above french will work best on a clevis and a inline Sonic type spinner blade like on a panther Martin works best. Try this. Make up a loop like you do on the top and build your lure but leave the wire a bit longer and don't close it off àt the bottom. Attach something to hold everything on the wire. I use earing stoppers they're small, soft plastic, clear, have a tiny hole in the middle, they sell them at the dollar store in bags by 100. You can test out different things quickly but removing the stoppers and changing design, weight spacing. Every blade likes to have a free flow of water around all it's edges and already be in a good tilt position to take off and start spinning under water. When your blade is flat, it's up against your body weight. Adding beads between body and blade, like stated above will enable better water flow around the bottom of the blade to give it lift off and spin. The water has to have a place to get in behind and lift it. Clevises like a good smooth strong ball to rotate on which it looks like you have. Good luck
Update on my new lure design: I have made 32 lures and have them packaged and ready to go. I sent one package with two lures off today to my father, who is a few hundred kilometers away. If all goes well the packaging design will allow me to send two lures and a few extras for a two dollars anywhere in canada or the united states. This is alot cheaper then I estimated. I've been told It actually may be cheaper to deliver anywhere state side as opposed to anywhere in Canada, we'll see. Today's total package weight was 18g. While building I learned a few things. As I read somewhere, probably here, breaking down everything into steps is important. Making them over and over, one step at a time allowed me to perfect the design. I figured out exact measurements where to cut or bend, and what angles were needed. I made over a dozen, and left them unfinished in different important stages of completion. While building these wire baits by hand, everything down to the different hand positions needed to hold the pliers, both flat and round, need to be repeated to get a consistant product. I made many, only to have to destroy them later. I was trying to save on split rings by attaching a swivel directly to the wire with a closed barrel wrapped loop. This was nice until i discovered a bad swivel. Eventually things got faster. Ultimately limited by one component that I can't replace. I've ordered and can't get a exact copy. So I will limit this run to a maximum number of what i estimate now to be around 50 lures. I will number each one as 1 of 25 on a piece of paper included with the packaging, and call this batch 1-A 1-A. As stated above I would like to send a few out for free to any lucky people who read and respond this post. I am pretty sure it won't cost you anything to receive the package.. All I ask is that you comment here on what you think about the lure. Please respond here to this post clearly that you would like a with a brand new lure design sent to you for free! I will message you for your details. I would still like any suggestions anyone has for me to somehow secure this design idea in a homemade patten of sorts, that doesn't involve the parasites. I will send out two packages to mayself an never open them. I have pictures and video of me building the lures, which are apparently gps and timestampped internally in the coding of the pictures. I am not to worried to much because it takes a long time to make each one and I don't think they will be easily copied. It wil be next to impossible to get a machine to bend up this design so I may have discouraged anyone from stealing the design and replicating it on a large scale. But for someone else who comes across this post and has a new lure design I'd like to test out a procedure for them to follow. Is there anything else I could do? Also I have been considering a warning in the packaging not to open the packaging and use the lures, to treat them as art mounted on the wall up high, or thrown in the garbage. NOT FOR FISHING. I'm hoping this will cover me for anyone who takes his eye out or let's his kid eat it and decides to sue me. I will most likely be finished the complete batch in a few weeks and should be ready to ship by end of july at the latest.
I have ordered more supplies and they are starting to arrive. I am not sure about shipping yet, I expect to pay around 10 per package to ship within North America. I hope to ship out 1 dozen, then post all details and videos like I've said. Vodkaman if you'd like to just see the video no problem, but I'd like to send you one. And Big Epp I'd like to send you one, maybe JD mudbug, Hillbilly voodoo. Don't worry about sending anything back me, only if you want to. Im just hoping the people who receive comment here about what they think, and hopefully it's a person with a long comment history that people trust. When I'm closer I'll ask for details, a month or two, because I am going to be ready with a few to trade or sell. I'll have enough supplies to make a couple hundred. For the first dozen if you or anyone else would like a free lure sent to them please clearly post that here in this thread. The lures will be made from 8mm main wire, 5mm supporting wires, and weight in around 5g. The design is for hooks to be removed and added with a wire loop - brass tube lock. I'll be adding a ewg hook and a 40mm plastic paddle tail. The design can be upsized and slightly more downsized. The blades can be painted but I'll be making gold and silver version.
Vodkaman thank you for your insight. Lawyers drive me nuts. In the end it's always sour, not enough money. I would do a deal on a hand shake for $20. Just to have "invented by" on it and not a single lawyer involved. I read your part about the effect on future design patents with companies even looking at your idea. Depressing. Maybe the only advice you could give to someone here is that if you want to make any money, the only sure way is to quickly build and sell as many as possible. The part about really only having 12 months maybe less to make money. I think you're right. No matter what patents you or any company thinks they have someone will make it and sell it. Being as ready as possible with marketing and production to take advantage of initial vacuum is recommended. This will always be a problem for someone low on funding. Once the idea is ‘out there’ then it cannot be patented" If someone is here sharing the idea trying to establish that it is theirs first, that may negate a future patent being awarded? That's a shame. If someone tries to establish enough evidence for these %#*'s to be satisfied, would they ever be satisfied ? Even with a patent that may not be good enough anyway. Would another they take up the task, to make money for themselves of course. Could someone have enough evidence for one %#* to beat another ? Who knows. For me and my idea, I don't need a lurking company to save the day. I could never be rich, I'm already happy. I'm a simple man, who needs a simple plan, and I plan to try it out here. With all your experience I hope you'll take one of my lures and test it out. Like I said, my idea is most likely a failure, but I'd like to see someone be able to do it with thiers. So I'm going to try and roll it out that way. I will try to be as ready as possible with lures ready to sell or trade. But my plan involves makings all the info fully available. A full list of components, where to buy them and build tips with pictures. I want people to be able build these, and it's not that hard. Maybe the only appeal of my personal lures is that your buying one from the guy who invented them, who knows. Any advice anyone could give me, I'll try it. My goal is not to make a lot of money, but have that possiblity for someone else who wants to secure some kind of money making ability to their idea. A new recognizable lure design. A lure that a hobbyist here could build but your average person would rather buy. A design that people here modify, and improve. I would be happy. I don't have a name for my lure. But if the name I choose could stick together with that design for a long time, Wow. Thanks again. I'm a bit of a vodkaman myself, any brand on ice in a coffee cup will do
Hillbilly voodoo thanks for your reply and advice. Yes I'm targeting the smaller size trout. 100m from my house in a small river. I'm going to work way up to the larger ones. This photo would be the average size Brook trout that I catch. Everyone I see here uses worms. I think the river is to overgrown for a fly rod, but I've ordered and received a tenkara rod, I bought some WalMart cheap flies to try, when the bugs start, and I can see the fish jumping, I'm hoping to catch the limit.
JD_mudbug Thanks for the buzz bait tips, and design leads. I was trying anything with those in the photo. Your right, they'll need a major tune up. I had one spin opposite the other. It made a nice V wake. I read about a single going off to one side. Also smaller spinning opposite a slightly larger one behind it. Also something about benefiting from a stiffer wire. I got those tiny blades so cheap, so light weight I blow them around on a wire at couple 1000 rpm. When winter comes around and things are frozen again I'll hit the testing tub. Photos attached of the two you mentioned. Strike King’s Swinging Sugar buzz bait and the Molix Super Squeaky buzz bait. I'm going to start up again like these. Best thumping on a spinner bait = Hildebrandt style colorado (no cup) on a inline spinner that same blade, not good, no spin. Best is a french blade. Maybe I'll carve out a shallow circle in some wood and shape some pop can french round blades. I don't have experience with a lot of blades, but again my link above for those flat colorado blades is a good one. The third photo is that super rooster tail you mentioned. Hybrid. Thanks again for info.
Hello, everyone This topic has been covered before, many times, all over the place, new ideas, patents and prototypes etc.. I'm going to post a whole bunch of links from great members on this site, and other Interesting sites I've found. Then I want to explain what I would do, and take any advice/ suggestions anyone might have thanks. https://patents.google.com/patent/US2817921A/en https://patents.google.com/patent/US4671007A/en https://m.bassmaster.com/tips/how-invent-bass-lure https://www.sportfishingmag.com/fishing-lure-designers-who-have-changed-tackle-industry/ https://www.ryanmoodyfishing.com/fishing-lure-design-with-dave-killalea/ https://www.ifish.net/threads/wierd-and-funny-fish-hook-patents.3581/ https://www.ifish.net/threads/patent-attorney-invention-advice.1580257/ https://www.ifish.net/threads/patents.376874/ https://www.ifish.net/threads/patent-info.87214/ https://www.ifish.net/threads/how-to-patent-a-new-hunting-gear-idea.422008/ https://www.ifish.net/threads/protecting-ideas.70530/ https://www.ifish.net/threads/selling-an-idea.163059/ http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/profile/49034-spins/ https://www.aquascapeaddiction.com/articles/how-many-senses-do-fish-have https://homeluremaking.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-to-make-balsa-fishing-lure-looking.html https://www.ifish.net/threads/anyone-need-5000-00.77480/ https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/fusion-360-design-validate/i-will-pay-for-help-on-designing-prototypes/td-p/6230676 I've created what I think is a new lure design. Members here could tell me quick if it's new, and if it'll work. But my idea beforehand is to send it to a dozen people, who would want to have them, maybe test them, and be the proff that this is my idea. When the lures start to arrive I would post all the pictures and details on how to build the lures. If someone wants to buy the components and bend up the wire then great. Maybe I'll trade a few here in the classifieds. If a company is lurking and they see a possibility to make money, maybe they'll negotiate a deal for the idea, and have their lawyers file for patents and fight with whomever. I'm a simple man, I would be happy with anything really, maybe your the same. If I'm unsuccessful and you never see my lure at bass pro, which most likely, then oh well. Hopefully someone really enjoys my lure and builds some for friends. But I hope maybe we could have a way here, where this could work out for someone from this site. One day you'd know the guy or girl, who invented that lure, that won that tournament somewhere, or is sold a bass pro. Maybe someone here will have a original prototype. I don't know, what do you think? what would you do?. Is this already being done or has been tried ? Does the lure contest preform this already? Did anyone ever try the spins electroreceptor attactor? Thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to respond here.
hello again. JD_mudbug I'm very lucky that you responded here and to maybe have a bit discussion with me. What your saying about a few things. your comments on this topic You say the french blade is the best blade on clevis spinner. Then you rate all the other blades in spin and thump on a clevis. You say that a spinner bait will out thump, and possibly out spin any clevis. Nice spinnerbait you made. I don't know a thing about pouring lead or painting spinner baits, and haven't gotten around to dressings up and jigs. You mention the spin being somewhat tight on the swiveled french blade and possibly the turbulence from the first blade on the clevis was helping do that. Yes possibly, because when I try a french blade by itself on a SB the same blade spins on a wider arch without the french blade infront of it causing turbulence. For me a single french blade on a swivel seems to spin and slightly wobble more. More off center thumping feeling when by its self. But I found out, like you did, that double french blade spinner baits are great! The Sonic blades for me are better then any blade/clevis. The rotation around the shaft is also more like the SB blade/swivel rotation. Have you tried a large Sonic blade for pike lures?sp I have 4 different french blades, two silver two brass. The largest brass one I have thumps best on a SB, maybe it's a #2. The next largest blade I have is almost as long but not as wide. This has me believing that the width to lenght ratio between different styles of french blades is going to be a major factor in how they thump underwater. Would a round french blade be the best thumping blade of all time? Maybe. Here is a photo with 3 of my small double french SB in it. My photo includes some other blades I've tried to spin on that snap swivel SB in the top left. The double blades together on a split ring do not work for me. I have seen a Filipino man on a Youtube video modify a top water frog with a rear spin blade, buy doubling them up, bending and curving the lower one a bit. He was able to get a very nice ringing, very quick pocket change like sound. It doesn't work underwater. I don't have frogs. In my photo is also another SB with a snap swivel and a clear plastic earring keeper that I can slide on and off the wire. With two I can add/subtract weight and move it up and down on the lower wire. These earring keepers are good for me and 100 or more for a $1 at the dollar store. I tried adding tiny blades to larger blades to get more flash or thump it didn't work at all for me. Moving them around the blade or different types, no good. Any interference for a blade or imbalance and no good. The colorado blade SB down the right side of my photo thumps so well for me. I used that blade on a few different diameters of wire there and a long arm short arm. They all spin great, I guess it's really about where the hooks going to end up in relation to the fish and any interference for the blade. Here's a link for anyone the blades they're cheap and take 60 day to arrive. https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32996123755.html?browser_id=980ad14155d742c08ac4e108bd3d6b66&aff_trace_key=&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=001179659b9f3f18397c911b2f4418c12fdb935e14&gclid=&_imgsrc_=ae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FHTB1XpiNaBv0gK0jSZKbq6zK2FXaw.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg_.webp Now I think I'm moving away from Brook trout in my lure building. Are they going to want a thumping mini SB? maybe because there's the beetle spin? Best all time thing for Brook trout is probably a worm some people will say a fly. It keeps me busy. In the second photo, I found some tiny buzz blades and started experimenting, along with some crazy inline spinners. The orange one I was thinking wolly bugger, the green one grasshopper, and black and white is spider. I never put hooks on them but when I took the orange to the water to test I had very excited dragonfly chech it out immediately. The tiny buzz baits I can't figure out. At the bottom I was trying out a fixed hook. I managed to get the wire through the eye hook and wrapped around the shaft very tightly. But there's no weight. I should have added a metal bead before wrapping the hook. Garbage now.
Thank you for your reply. Yes your right. The french blade is the way to go, it's the best spinning blade, on a clevis, on a inline spinner. Thanks for the links. Those blades in your link to Barlows look like a exact match to the rooster tails, and around $7 USD for 50 blades is a good price. Thanks for the link to the other thread there about blade thickness and it's effect on the slow thumping of a french blade spinning, and much more. You're very informative, I probably saw you mention that shyster lure here in the past. I've read a lot of great stuff here and I hope no one minds me repeating some of if. I read through the wire baits comments and saved a few I found interesting. I would like to post them all but it would be a lot. There's the bassdozer article about blades that everyone's probably seen. http://www.bassdozer.com/articles/spinnerbait-blades.shtml Here's a photo of the different blades I've bought.
The first 4 on the left in the first photo are mine. I was able to order two sizes of Sonic blades, in silver and gold. You can see the next 2 are Panther Martins, and their blade is smaller. Mine spin very well, they start right away with little effort. I have a small light weight gold colour 2mm metal bead behind the blade then a plastic facceted gold bead and another 2mm gold bead. Together the beads weight next to nothing and it's the same for both of the sizes I have. No matter the light weight on these inline spinners they seem to want to spin. For the larger blades I used .7mm wire and .5mm for the small blades. I add a 3mm split ring then a EWG hook that I add soft plastics to. With the soft plastics on it or not they still spin nice, though the soft bait does help to slow them down with drag. I don't add a bead above the blade but I have. If the wire end's barrel warp is sharp and hooks the hole on the Sonic blade then the top bead will help. I also see that a 2mm bead on top of the Sonic blade fits into the dimple that is there and maybe it will help push out the blade away from the shaft when spinning creating more vibration. I have made some spinners with these Sonic blades that did not spin. I had 3.5g lead tear drop shaped weights on the shaft and the shape of the tear drop just sat in the curve of the Sonic blade and they rode together through the water, the lead riding in a blade boat. The blades of any spinners definitely seem to need to be sitting open and free of the lures body so that water can easy move around the blade and up and under it to give it the lift and a easy first start. Possibly 3.5g is to much weight for these blades to, they seem to like a light weight spinner body. The last two are Warden's rooster tails. Their blades are on a clevis and spin very nice. The blade is a thin, rounded, willow type, and I have a hard time finding something similar. There are two main types of inline spinners, those with Sonic blades and the traditional clevises and blades. There's folded clevis and stir-up style clevis, I have both, and maybe the stir-up style is better. The diameter of the hole the wire passes throught seems smaller by design on a stir-up style clevis. I want the wire and the hole in the clevis to no have a lot of play between them. The extra room seems to allow the clevis to tilt on the wire shaft. The tilting clevis doesn't seem to spin well. The best fitting wire for the majority of stir-up clevises that I have found is .8mm or .0314" wire. With 8mm wire for this type of inline clevis there is not a lot of wiggle on the shaft. I added a picture I found once of a different type of clevis that was supposed to help with early slow start spinning. The Clevis has a angle to it, I've never seen them for sale, but I could probably modify one that I have to match it. Also added here is a picture of a type of spinner with it's attachment point bent in a way that is supposed to prevent the whole lure from spinning, and causing line twist. I haven't bent one up like this yet.
My favorite lure for Brook trout in small rivers and creeks is a tiny Panther Martin. Part of a series, my guess is that it's 2g or 1/16oz. The wire diameter is about .5mm or .0196". It has a in-line Sonic blade that spins great. I've found some on the internet to purchase but none are exactly the same. It has a tiny hole and all the ones I buy, the holes are larger, and it seems to make the starting speed to get spinning, higher. To throw small spoons and spinners I use a ultralight rod, lure weight 1g-7g, with a 2000 series reel. I put 10# braid with a double uni-knot to 10'-12' or 3m of 4# monofilament with a plastic bead and small snap swivel on the end. I purchase stainless steel orthodontic wire in small coils from the internet to make my wire baits. I mostly work in sizes .5mm - .8mm or .0196" - .031". I cut it in small pieces and straighten it out by eye with my fingers. I bend the wire using jewelry pilers I bought online. I have one pair that has a rounded side and a cupped side. Originally the cupped side is machined with a hard edge, I took a file to it so that it doesn't pinch and score my wire when bending. I have a pair of cheap plastic safety glasses with bifocals built in, they really help.
Hello everyone, I've been trying to make lures to target brook trout in rivers and creeks for a little over a year. I started with a dime, drilled it, bent up some wire, made the clevis out of wire, it was a homemade in-line spinner. It didn't work, it didn't spin. Since then I have learned a couple things about crafting small wire lures by making them, and testing. I've looked everywhere on the web for info, and tried to read it all. I'd like to share a little here, get some help/feed back, and hopefully help out a bunch of other people who are just starting out. A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this website over the years. I've spent many hours here reading in different forums, it's been great, Thank You, and the great people paying the bills and hosting this service.