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Chris Catignani

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Everything posted by Chris Catignani

  1. I'm curious about this too...do you heat it? or does it just firm up?
  2. Actually...they have this one...thats close stl400 4 in steelhead trout salmon bass bait mold | enforcer-bait-molds (enforcerbaitmolds.com)
  3. They are just for my self...it would be the last mold that would complement a suite of plastic molds I use...Senko, Ned, Beaver, swimbait and Slider.
  4. I fell in love with the Slider years ago...I actually met Charlie Brewer and had him sign his book. I remember being in High School and seeing these guys in the dead of winter catching all kinds of fish. They were using a Slider. I got on the band wagon and soon found out that it caught fish all year round....and I also liked to wade and it soon became my primary wading bait.
  5. I have seen a bunch of different molds ...I'm really wanting one looking like a Slider. It basically is tapered and has a small paddle tail...look like a minnow( and a worm). I found one at Del-Mart Molds...but its kinda hard to tell if there even in business or not.
  6. There is a technique that uses an inner stint and an outer sleeve for the repair... Here is a link to Ralph O'Quinn's article on the procedure: Rod Repair by Ralph O'Quinn
  7. For this...any epoxy will work. Just wipe off any excess when your finished. If you dont have a way to clamp...then just stand if on it end with some weight to push it down. (remember to wipe off an excess when its clamped) The reason this is critical is that...if epoxy dries on the out side, you risk having a chunk (of cork) pulled out when sanding. Yes sand the result...clean the old side with soap and water.
  8. You certainly can install new cork from the back.... Take a razor blade and make a clean cut to get off the broken pieces. Maybe 1 and a half rings and an eva disk for a butt cap...there are other alternatives too for butt cap.
  9. New paint for an old lure.
  10. This is what does it for me... In one case...the leaning was caused by too big a Colorado blade.
  11. @mark poulson Mark...are you making that spinner bait...or just doing a modification?
  12. I'm getting one of those. I use an old cabinet makers file for shaping cork handles...and never really thought about using it on lures.
  13. If that doesnt work out...You can can always (like @mark poulson said) just cut the butt off. If you decided to do that...measure the I.D. and I will make you an extension to epoxy in there.
  14. Love it Mark...I actually have some of the older vs of spinner baits that have the wrapped wire tie (no R) and actually tend to prefer these.
  15. @Travis Spot on... FWIW...I did try @mark poulson suggestions with the tin snips and the lip came out pretty good.
  16. Pretty cool there...I dont have any plastic with eyes...but good to know!
  17. Up till now... I have several templates that I trace on to Lexan...then I cut it out with a scroll saw. Sometimes it works ok...but more times than not its not perfect. I do some additional shaping with sand paper before installing. ...and sometime there is more shaping after the install. Looking for some tips to improve the process.
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