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Everything posted by JayC37jigs

  1. Thanks guys. I really appreciate the help and knowledge.
  2. Thank you very much! You sold me on it. LOL! I’ll give that mold a try.
  3. I was afraid to buy without knowing for sure if it would work or if someone else tried it.
  4. I knew it used the wide gap 30 degree hook. I just didn’t know how much of a difference it would make to use a regular 30 degree hook. I didn’t know if the weedgard would be too far from the hook or too close?
  5. Thanks very much for the reply and information.
  6. Also…… I just thought of this. If you can put a round bend in the poison tail jig mold. Will the weedgard be too far from the hook????? I’d appreciate pictures if anyone has tried this?
  7. Can you use a round bend hook in a poison tail jig mold???? I’ve been wondering this. Do you have to modify it much?
  8. Thank you for your response. I looked at that one. I really like my hybrid grass jig and the eyes on it. I was just looking around for a swimjig mold in that 1/4 size to get.
  9. I’m looking to find the best swim jig mold for 1/4 and or 5/16 oz swimjig? I’d like to use the typical 30 degree hook, but am open for suggestions. I do own the hybrid grass jig and love the 3/8oz. I look forward to your opinion and info.
  10. That looks really good!
  11. I usually usually use Loctite gel superglue and just glue them to the bake painted head. I have not had any eyes fall off yet. But, I’ve heard a lot of guys talk about going a step further and coating them after the eyes are on.
  12. I know this is not new. But things are always changing. Thoughts on best jig clear or top coat. I’ve heard and seen everything from Sally Hensens nail polish, to KBS, epoxy mix, etc…. I bake my paint on but have seen a lot of people using a clear or top coat on their jigs to make sure to keep the eyes on their jigs. So…. I am asking those who have used different types of coatings for their opinions and what they use?
  13. Real answer is… Because I think I can. LOL! I just had to know. Kind of a curiosity killed the cat kinda thing.
  14. How did the 3/0 work for you in the 3/8???? Can you still get a decent jig trailer on it? Also did the mold fully pour for you with the 3/0
  15. Hey, How did the 3/0 work for you in the 3/8???? Can you still get a decent jig trailer on it?
  16. So I tried a 4/0 in the 3/8. The thing that intrigued me and made me want to try it was the wider gap. I was able to get the 4/0 to fit and work without altering my mold. However, even with getting the mold really hot, using dropout, and a good Lee production pot. I couldn’t get it to pour 100 percent. The top of the shank behind the head but before the first keeper barb is too close to the mold. So a small space on the hook is bare. That hook is very sharp and slick and I just wanted to try it. LOL! I had a thought and just had to know if it would work. They cost a good bit. And yes, I have all kinds of brand hooks that fit the mold perfect. This idea popped in my head and I had to know if it worked.
  17. I think I’m going to try it. I’ll let you know how/if it works out.
  18. So, if you haven’t caught on, I’m a tinkerer, DIY guy, that likes to think outside of the Box that is always trying to figure out ways to make things better, more efficient, and continue to learn new things. My post/question for the day is…. Has anyone used one of Owner Zo-wire hooks in a jig mold????? I’m curious if it would work or if the bend in the shank is too short for a weedgard. Specifically in the hybrid grass jig mold. Any thoughts?
  19. The topic came to me because I went to pour the other day when it was cold out and had some issues till I got everything good and warm. I am also always willing to learn something new if it helps. I did also take Cadman’s advice from the last topic and ordered some drop out to try for my next pour. Awesome information guys. Thank you very much.
  20. Totally going to come off sounding like a Noob. But always wanting to learn and make things work better or more efficient. I’m looking for all the different options of heating or pre heating molds and hooks. I’ve seen guys pour empty molds a couple times, put their mold on their lead pot for awhile, and even heard one guy mention boiling. I’m curious as people who have done this a ton what creative ways or better ways to get the hooks and molds warm before you start pouring. Forgive me if there is a topic on this already, I searched and didn’t see anything in depth. Thanks very much for the info.
  21. It should help make things go a little quicker. I felt like I was fumbling with the hook too much trying to keep it in place and it was letting the mold cool down.
  22. This is what I did after my first pour. It doesn’t look pretty but supports the hook and keeps it straight and in place if you use a 4/0. It’s Wood, high heat silicone, and a sunk in magnet.
  23. LOL! I just modified mine this weekend kind of similar to those pictures. I’ll see if I can post a picture of mine. It takes care of hook rolling out of place. Thanks again for the replies. I ordered some spray to try.
  24. Thanks for the reply. No, I haven’t tried that yet. I seen a couple tricks on YouTube. But just having some trouble getting a complete mold of the 3/8 mainly at the bait keeper area. I’ll have to try that.
  25. Hello, I just started using my Do-it hybrid grass jig mold. I’m having trouble with the 3/8 oz pouring completely. The other weights pour fine. Also it is a pain to keep the hook aligned to close the mold. I think I will add or modify my mold before next pour. Any suggestions???
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