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Everything posted by Arne

  1. Don't believe my bride would approve of me painting in the bedroom. Course ours is so small would have to move something out to have room. Anyway, I wind up slopping something around when doing the painting. For the water based acrilics I usually have an old plastic butter cup or something full of warm water. Makes it easier to keep the brush operating when changing colors or cleaning. Then there is the paint which havn't had much of a problem with, but once in a while have a little oops with it. Worst was shaking black and the lid opened. Acrillics clean up with soap and warm water but that was a mess. Anyway my painting is all done in the garage, have a wood stove so can have it warm enough to paint. Just use a dust mask when painting, clear with d2t. Enough about me. If I had to paint in the house, think I could take an old cardboard box, cut a hole in the back or top that flex dryer tube would fit in, find a small in line fan for the hose, then maybe a cardboard piece to fit a window. fasten the hose to that and done. Something permanent would use wood or metal. With the acrillics think all you need is a dust mask. They dont have the nasty fumes auto paints have. Just the way I would do it. Think you should be safe enough, but no guarentees. Arne.
  2. Thanks fellas. Will try your ideas and let you know how things work. Arne.
  3. Got the jigs all poured, from a doit horsehead mold. Has small bumps for eyes. Powdercoated them and now trying to make a dot for the eyes. Everything I have tried so far just makes a mess. Paintbrush, cut down paint brush, handle end of the paintbrush, end of a small file. So far everything dumps a spattering of powder, not just where I want it. Anybody have good ideas for this? Thanks, Arne.
  4. I don't have a clue how to do it, but would like to say welcome to the forum. Arne.
  5. thank you, will check on it. Arne.
  6. Where did you find the jigging rap blanks?
  7. Also let me know if you want just the tails, wings or pelts. Arne.
  8. You fellas use pheasant feathers? Have a source for almost unlimited amounts. Will have to check and make sure it is okay to send them off. Long tail feathers usually go back to the hunters. Shorter ones and hens are usually just tossed. Let me know and will see what I can come up with. Arne.
  9. Great glowing write up on the flub dub. Wonder why if they are so great I never heard of them. Guess we are just backwards in Nebraska and Kansas. LOl, Arne.
  10. Could you try a drill with a cup hanger chucked in it? Make a small loop, put the ends in a vise and twist away. Cut to fit. Just a thought.
  11. Howdy Cadman,

    In your powder paints do you have a yellow chartruse?  Dont think I spelled that right.  Anyway, I have been looking for some. Thanks, Arne.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arne


      Thank you sir.  Enjoy your posts on here.  Actually have read thru many of the old ones and that is how I figured out how you even have paints.  Arne.

    3. Salty Soul

      Salty Soul

      Where can I find the catalog of paints you offer?

    4. cadman


      Go to my website cadmancustomjigs.com. You will find a tab there with all the stock colors I carry. If you don't find it, here is my e-mail. Contact me here and I will get it to you.     chodor@sbcglobal.net


      Take Care.................Ted

  12. Looks like I am getting a bunch of schooling if the brush don't work. Keep it coming folks. Arne.
  13. Well, havn't touched the airbrush since spring when I started fishing. Only started with the airbrushing late winter last year. When I pick it up again shortly might be able to tell you. Hope I can make the thing work again. LOL, Arne.
  14. Arne


    Thanks for the answer. Makes perfect sense now. All I could think of was trying to hold the hood onto the lure with a magnet. Was thinkin you would have to be catching some pretty small fish. Arne.
  15. Arne


    Just stumbled across this. Are you just going to use the magnet to hold the hook on? To me can't believe the hook would stay on. Need a little bit more info. Thanks, Arne.
  16. Arne

    Other Hobbies

    Late to this party, but havn't been on board for long. Like making and using my lures. Been using a lot lately, but the season is rapidly running out. Used to love ice fishing, but cold and slick surfaces kinda take the fun out of it anymore. Do a bit of hunting, used to do a lot. Old age catchin up. LOL. Been making wine since 2009. Had a pie cherry tree that went ballistic, Kathy got all the cherries she wanted for pies, jelly and whatever she wanted to make. Had a lot left over, tried making a batch of wine. It was drinkable but not great. Make a pretty good batch now when the urge hits. Freezer is pretty much full of fruits, guess it is about time to get busy and start making again. Have to start stacking firewood so I can get to painting and making lures this winter. Garden is about done for the year. Raise a fairly big one, dont need as much produce as the kids have left home. 73 years old and still on the volunteer fire dept. Not active like I used to be, but sometimes get to help whoever needs it. Seems like the younger folks dont have the time or inclination to help the town out. Sad to see, but can see the small town fire depts. slowly fading away. Arne.
  17. Just got back again. They forcast decent weather the last week, told my bride I was heading back. Fishing was great, lots of catchin not just fishing. Started using tail spins, they work great for the white bass. First couple days they were in groups, Thurs found the groups but a couple of fish and they would move. Find them again and after a couple of fish they would move. Still great fun and caught quite a few. lArne.
  18. thanks for the welcome. Been at Glen Elder since Wed. They have lowered the water to work on the dam, but if you can find them the white bass are cooperating. Had a good couple days. Took the grandson out and we caught a bunch of whites. Today, Kathy counted 51 fish in 2 and a half hours. Two nice wipers and the rest white bass. Kept a few for eating, the rest are still swimmin. Hate to see winter coming although will be time to make some more lures then. Arne.
  19. Lol, thanks for the welcome
  20. Started out late last winter. Looking for something to occupy my time. Stumbled across probably this site. Decided although I have no artistic ability I could probably slap some paint on a lure. Bought an airbrush, some paint and blanks and once I figured out how to get the paint out of the airbrush started in. Lures came out to my liking and the fish liked them. Havnt been painting for a while, but cold weather is coming. Will start again. Found a pony head jig mold in Who would of thought it Arkansas the other day. Will start making road runner type jigs this winter. They had a 1/4 oz. and an 1/8 oz. Size. Bought the 1/4 and should of snagged the 1/8. 12 hr drive kinda far to go back and save 20 bucks on a mold. Anyway, thanks for all the information I have already found on this site. Maybe will be able to add a little to it one of these days. Been a fun ride so far. Arne.
  21. Been lurking here since the end of last winter. Thought I ought to sign up. Probably wont post a lot, but am on quite a bit reading and learning. For some reason towards the end of the winter last year got a hankerin to try and start painting lures. Can't remember for sure but might of been because I found this site. Anyway bought an airbrush, some paints and blank lures. Ice finally went out and first cast with a painted lure caught a largemouth. Wasnt big, but kept catching that day. That said my lures passed the judges test. Havn't been painting lately, winter coming and will be stuck inside. Start the wood stove and paint away. Took a few of the lures to the county fair and came away with a purple ribbon. Made me feel kinda warm and fuzzy. Anyway, glad to be here. Appreciate all the help you folks have given to me. Arne.
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