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bassjiggin1955 last won the day on June 15 2024

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About bassjiggin1955

  • Birthday 10/23/1955

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  • Location
    Central ca.
  • Interests
    Lure manufacturing Bass fishing Tournament bowling Nascar Nhra

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  1. Mark you have my blade bait head i sent you. If you want to get away forom opening eyelets on your hooks either use a do-it sparkie mold or do-it poison tail mold the blade baits. Here the eyelets and 5/0 or 6/ 0 mustads spinnerbait black nickel hook. This is all you need not a bunch extra pliers to get and eazy job done. Quick and easy.
  2. Fire craw jigs in finesse 1/8oz up to 3/8oz. Are going to look really good also.
  3. While going through my chemo treatments ive done a few blade baits in Fire craw two different patterns.
  4. Im not a big fan of coffin blades I like the shaker blades they give off great vibration. Rounding the eyelet out before you close it make a big different in how much vibration the bait puts out. It with also work on the coffin blade setup also. I buy the shake blades in bulk and I can also have them powder coated in several different colors when I need them from a powder coating company here where I live.
  5. Here a couple more i added two the gift boxes use different color blades.
  6. Why im having chemo treatments ive been building some christmas present for my sons and grand son and my brother. The fire craw colors I really did like how they turn out.
  7. If your using a sparkie mold and the hook and keeper wire hang out side the mold and wont stay straight flat use another ( blank doit mold ) open it and lay it flat in place blank side up take your sparkle mold lay above it together mold place the hook and keeper in place the hook and keeper shouldn't turn close the sparkie mold it should keep everything in place. Pour your done. Sound like alot of work but it really isn't and it works.
  8. According to my tracking you got them.
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