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Everything posted by Church93

  1. I guess I am just looking for a hook that won't flex. I run mustads on 30° and 60° and feel like they have more flex. I made an assumption that the flat eyes will flex just as much. If anyone has any information on this it will be greatly appreciated!
  2. This is not the mold I received. I got a 3rd island cnc mold.
  3. Hello all I received a new mold for Christmas. It is a flat eye arky mold made to accept the mustad 32796. I am looking for a really stout hook. I fish braid to leader and will be using a heavy rod. My jigs will be 1/2 and 3/4 mostly. Will the hook mentioned take that abuse? I have been looking at the gamma 5941 and the newer bkk 9062. Does anyone have any experience with these or any other hook that I might look into?
  4. Thanks you two for the replies something about that snootie jig keeps calling to me. So thats the one I ended up ordering.
  5. Hello been lurking around for awhile now I'm making my first post. I have both poison tail jig molds but I'm looking for a swim jig that won't catch grass as bad. I've been eyeing the snootie jig mold 3/8, 1/2, and 5/8. But most people use the do-it casting jig mold will one work better than the other?
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