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  1. I have a question since you brought up the lip. What adhesive are you guy's using to mount them?
  2. I appreciate the heads up on cutting those 2mm rods. I saw a small pair of bolt cutters at Harby freight. I've cut some 16 guage with wire cutters and look out..lol when it gives. I bought those rods because because I intend to be 2oz and above. Rat's and other stuff as they come out of me..lol. it's guy's like you that make this easier to figure out.. Thanks again. For prompt replies I also intend to be the same way.. it increases our own capacity for learning when we share what we know
  3. Thank you I've received some of the 2mm RC axils from the link you provided. What size screw eye would you suggest with those?
  4. Thank you! Love that response
  5. Do you use the cut-off for the actual pins too?
  6. I'm a newbie, so take this with a grain, but my thought is, that if nothing else the chamfer would protect the edges of the lips. Also I've seen mentioned somewhere that some makers at least soften the edges to save line from possibly getting cut during a fracas with a trophy or any fish for that matter
  7. No 220 between the 150 and 400? I appreciate your responses by the way. I've got temporary hinges set in a two piece rat that I have cleaned up to 220. Getting the hang of making wire hinges a bit. You think I should sand to 400 then seal with CA. Thanks again
  8. Awesome thank you it makes sense. I have a pinhole or two that will be helped by the CA also. What grit before you apply? 220? This is my first build. Thank you again. Seems like a great place to share thoughts and ideas
  9. Would you guy's seal it with the CA before you made a mold of it?
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