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Everything posted by shibby95

  1. That is probably the situation, but I’m able to get at least one good run, before it starts to yellow from cooking. Meanwhile, I can make glow baits, color doesn’t matter for the night fishing that I do sometimes. Thanks for the input from everyone.
  2. Yeah, my plastisol is only reaching 2 years old and I still have 5 unopened gallons. I’ll go with cooking 4 oz recommended heat for a minute and then 30 second increments. I’m just not getting that clear cooked color:
  3. I have never used/bought heat stabilizer, does it really make a difference? I placed an order for heat stabilizer, since I have 5 gallons of plastisol to use.
  4. Hi, can anyone recommend a good mold maker that sells molds for 3”-4” Shrimp molds? I ordered from Baitmolds.com and realized that what I ordered may not come or will arrive hopefully this year, depending on the situation in Ukraine. Shibby95
  5. I have about 5 gallons of sealed Bait Plastic plastisol and an open jug, which I used about 2 years ago making soft baits. Two nights ago, I decided to start injecting molds again, bit I noticed that after cooking the plastisol, it’s not as clear as it used to be. Now, when reheating in the microwave after the first cooking, it starts to yellow faster. Anyone have an idea why? I was told because the plastisol was old? Shibby95
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