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  1. Great idea. I will do that. I also have sticky wheel weights for balancing tires. 1/4 oz pieces. Thanks
  2. I will post a pic this afternoon. Flaswimbaiter, I tend to think it is my weight placement and amount as well. And yes Vodkaman you are correct about testing. Unfortunately in Iowa everything is frozen for the most part from December to end of February. I will admit that I'm not as disciplined as I should be. Thank you for the replies.
  3. I just finished a group of five small crankbaits. 3 of the 5 won’t dive. They pulling in spirals at the surface and just won’t hold to go down and wobble. I am happy with my painting but am frustrated with the performance issue. One of them I had to completely re-sand and then paint again. I know that I have to have the line tie centered and the lip centered or it will pull left or right. The spiral is a new problem. I am wondering if I didn’t weight the bottom enough. Not sure. I can post a few pics. Any ideas are appreciated. Maybe the lips are too big or the angle too great?
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