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Everything posted by Tball13

  1. The humidity killed them. Thats what I thought. I hit them with a scotchbrite and redipped them last night. So far the damage is minimal. Will know this evening. Thanks for the reply !!
  2. Painted 5 old, old wiggle warts yesterday in my garage. Baits came out great, grabbed my KBS and dipped them while I was cleaning stuff up . Thunderstorm hit and i was getting mower in the garage and forgot to bring them inside. This morning before work, I remembered them and ran down there. 3 of them has a small rash !! I've watched youtube vids all day and it was probably caused from the humidity. I live in SC and its getting WARM. 500 % humidity right now. Can these be lightly sanded down and re-dipped ? Or am I sandblasting and starting over ?
  3. Look at Dead On Plastix. Good stuff.
  4. I have molds from 4 different companies. Angling AI is no doubt the best molds I have used. Worth the wait. I ordered 3 different molds 2 weeks ago and they shipped today ! I am completely happy with them and will probably only use them in the future.
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