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  1. I like the idea of using tape for a tight fit to test! thanks for the tips! I will report back once I get it figured out!
  2. I like painting natural colour baits usually, however I also love doing some oddball things like pink and chartreuse.
  3. Do you often make the corners of the lip wider than the body of the lure? Do you find that the extra width makes the bait work at a slower speed?
  4. Will going slightly concave on the lip also increase wiggle? As I have perused the local shops, I have seen a few (generally deep divers) that claim a tight wiggle, but have a wide lip? Would this be more likely from being a deep diver or a function of body shape (flat sides) or even just the company's relative claim?
  5. alright it looks like I will be trying a few lips and trimming until I get a solid action. Thanks!
  6. I have looked and am still coming up blank. is there a rule of thumb for determining the size of lip for a crankbait? Say I want to make a wakebait, I know that I need a rather steep bill angle, but is there a way to determine proper length and width? also as I have been studying Karman vortex streets, I see that that creates lure action. Would a bait with a flat face that tapers back have good action, or would the taper cause the vortex to smooth and lose action?
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