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  1. Hey there. The clay I bought to make a silicone mold of a lure I designed is wet. Will this effect the silicone at all? Like cure time or cure in general.
  2. One last question. I've heard and read things about the microballons floating to the top of the mold while setting. Is this true? Is there a way to achieve an even amount of microballons throughout a mold so it evenly floats? Or is there no stopping the balloons from seeking the highest point in the mold. I don't want one side being more buoyant than the other.
  3. And that should reduce the overall weight of the lure while also adding buoyancy! Noted thanks!
  4. Resin is heavy. The lure I'm making is 6.5 inches long and after casting in smooth on 300 or allumilite it weighs a tonne! I want it to sink but not weigh so much. What's the solution to this? Been brain storming and reading like crazy but having a hard time finding this info.
  5. Unfortunately neither of the options you suggested worked. Tried using a different browser other then chrome as well and still cant post a new topic. I can post on other peoples topics just can't create my own for some reason.
  6. Another thing that is happening is when I log in or out it takes me to an error page saying "oops something went wrong try again" but when I hit the sign in button again I'm logged in already.
  7. Cleared cookies, cache and history. Logged out. Restarted my PC and logged back in. Still nothing. Won't even let me post a new topic on my phone, laptop or PC. This is wild hahaha.
  8. @Vodkaman No luck over the last couple days. Still cant post after replying to a couple peoples posts. Even tried to make a new account and it still won't post. Support hasn't answered my ticket yet and I sent a message as well with no luck :(.
  9. Sounds good. I opened a ticket with support but no answer back yet. Appreciate your reply!
  10. Smooth On - Smooth Cast 300 is what I am using now. It is a bit cheaper then alumilite in Canada. Just wish shipping was cheaper. Same specific gravity which is nice. There is a store near me that stocks the 2 pint version of Smooth cast for 51 dollars vs alumilite which is 32-36 at local stores for 1 pint.
  11. Smooth On has some great products. Their Smooth Cast 300 is a favorite of mine. Also Alumilite is pretty good to.
  12. Youtube has a lot of good info! There are kits you can buy as well.
  13. Does rank matter when trying to post a new topic? I for some reason can't post a new topic. I hit submit and it reloads the page but with the title missing and no error given. Maybe a grace period for new members. I can't seem to find any info on this in the forums.
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