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Everything posted by Psy

  1. I had something happen where my plastic burned because I placed it, by accident, dead-center in the microwave. I was using a neon pink mica powder and thought that was what caused it at first, until I noticed that I accidentally placed the cup dead-center. Never do that. The middle will get far too hot and you're not going to cook your plastic properly. Not saying that's what happened here, just saying it's what happened to me.
  2. I do a glitter shell (clear plastic, or just a drop or two of black per cup to make the glitter stand out more without clouding the plastic much) with a blood-red core. I will sometimes use a red colorshift if it's a coreshot worm with a tail (I forget the name of the mold, AnglingAI makes it). Lots of variations with that using different glitters. I typically use the finest I can get with a fancy-sounding holographic name. "Laser Diamond Holographic Silver"? I mean, sure. Copper or gold pearl veins in a smoky shell work nicely, especially if you cut the tip so the tail end fills in with the core color. Fun trick to use when your cores don't completely fill for whatever reason - take out your tube slitters and make yourself a fancy solid-body tube wherever the core stops. It won't be perfect, but it's usually fishable.
  3. I was looking at some different companies and websites for my latest batch of molds, and came across some with incredible similarities. Moose Ridge Molds & Lurecraft. Does MRM make the molds for Lurecraft, or vice versa? Just curious.
  4. Called the waste management people, they had no idea what I was talking about, lol. Less than helpful on their end, so gonna have to see if I can find another resource somewhere.
  5. I didn't get a reply when I tried their CSR email. Had to check my account to see when the purchase was made, it's been a while. Got it in June. I'm not slamming Bait Plastics here either, I know plenty of people that swear by their products.
  6. After the holidays I'm going to contact my local waste management facilities and see what they say. I'm curious what other people do. Long story short, earlier this year I ordered some plastisol from Bait Plastics that was terrible. Loads of bubbles, but worse than that, it burns very, very quickly and easily. I have to add a good bit of heat stabilizer just to prevent it from scorching before it hits 350 degrees. And that's with very careful microwave usage, heating in small increments in ideal heating zones in the microwave. I just gave up on it a while back and I'm going to just dispose of the remaining half gallon or so I have left after hearing what my local waste management people have to say. I've had someone else tell me to "cook it into a puck and then recycle it". Problem being that it burns before it hits 350, so it's not going to get that reaction. Also I'm not sure if it's recyclable in the first place.
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