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  1. Thank you. Have you tried many other guns? I’m just curious great price on that gun but I just want to make sure I get something of quality and it seems like that is rather cheap so just curious if you have compared it to better quality guns? As I know being a woodworker, you never know until you try other things. Also that compressor I’ve found much cheaper ones that seem highly recommended so wonder if it’s necessary to spend 160$ on compressor. Seems if I’m spending that on the compressor I might wanna spend a little bit more on a gun. Anyways, I really appreciate your help and will look into both the options you sent.
  2. Sorry to bring this topic up again I have read through a bunch of different posts that are the same or similar on here. A lot of them very old so the links don’t work. Anyways, I am looking for an airbrush set up for 150-200$ for everything. I do not have a small compressor so I would like to get a complete kit for that price. I know there are quite a few options, but I would like an airbrush. That is the best quality I can get for that cost. Figured I would ask for any recommendations of people that actually have what they are recommending and are happy with it. Would be great to get advice from experienced painters that have been able to compare other guns . Thanks in advance
  3. I don’t have equipment. I will make a post now. What Bates did you find that is a good idea to practice on some cheap ones
  4. Thanks and nice looking work! Yeah maybe a two piece. I live near lake Champlain and mainly fish for bass both largemouth and smallmouth. I’ll try to find a good video for a 2 piece to give a try. The painting process is all new to me as well.
  5. Thanks a lot, I have watched a bunch of channels and do like the Engineered angler. Also trying to find a good 150$ kit for airbrushing. not sure if that’s reasonable for something quality. Being a woodworker I appreciate quality tools but also don’t need the best to start. Any recommendations?
  6. Ok maybe that’s smart. Any references on a good one to start with? Video or youtube channels? I was thinking a jointed would be great. Maybe 5-7”
  7. Longtime bass fisherman and Woodworker/Carpenter by trade. So picked up a glide bait rod and with the cost of these things figured it’ll be fun at the same time as learning how to fish with them to maybe start practicing them. that being said, I would like to carve and make custom since I’m pretty set up with my woodshop and it would be fun for me. So was wondering where the best place to purchase the hardware for the glide Baits would be Like the eyelets and such. Also if anyone has any recommendations on websites or specific youtube pages for glide/swim baits? Weight distribution and where to put the hooks…. Etc. I know I got a lot to learn and looking forward to it. Any help is greatly appreciated
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