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  1. Does anybody have any thoughts on a conversion for the following recipe using products available in 2024? I suppose that would involve knowledge of how Del-Mart colorants compared to other brands in terms of drops needed.... Light Green Pumpkin Sticks 4 ounces Calhoun's Plastic 2 ounces floured salt 1 ounce softener 25 drops Del-Mart Black 40 drops Del-Mart Brown 20 drops Del-Mart Light Watermelon 1/2 tsp. Black Glitter .035"
  2. Thanks for the input Dave. Yes, I misspoke and mean LC 502. I will take your advice and get a GPG and GPB colorant from LW. I have some more brown colors (craw) I am wanting to try as well, so this will come in handy. Truth be told I am going to try and crack the GYCB GP code. I prefer this GP to Zoom GP, but it is just for my own confidence. A recipe listed here and one on YouTube I found call for/use M-F 74 as a base. M-F going out of business has set this pursuit back some.
  3. Thanks Les, so you would sub LureWorks 109 for M-F 74? Sidenote: after some heavy research into this forum I plan to start with LureWorks 502 plastic.
  4. I am a newbie in need of guidance. I see M-F colorants are the most recommended here, but something is up with them and most of their stuff is sold out. Anybody know anything about that? Is there much variance between Green Pumpkin colorants one brand to another? Is there another brand that is close to M-F 74? Thanks in advance for any help given. -Chris
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