This is Raghubir from UAE, this is my first post in the group.
I work as HR Manager and have been into lure making as a hobby , spend my week ends trying to master the art of making wooden lures.
Developed this hobby while doing shore fishing here in Dubai and was excited of making my own lures. In UAE getting colors and other equipment's are very difficult and
one need to buy online which are pretty expensive. Certain tools you need to develop yourself with the available resources and i made scroll saw from jig saw , will post the
same in this group.
I have started trying airbrushing my lures and bought basic cretex colors through eBay. The colors includes black & white opaque while red, blue & green are transparent . The problem i have specifically with red & white colors which i am not able to thin and results into clogging of airbrush.
Could any one advise my how should i go about it or there are other brands which can shoot through airbrush easily and do not required thinning at all.
My airbrush needle size are .2mm, .3mm & .5mm.
Thanks, Raghubir