I was thinking Styrofoam would be a good substitute for microsphers, especially since I can get an unlimited supply for free. However, my first two attempts did not go as well as I thought. Using 1:1 by volume of Styrofoam to Smooth-On Smooth Cast 300, I suspected would give me good buoyancy. Although the lure floated, it was not nearly buoyant enough. After adding hardware, it barley hung at the water surface.
To prep the Styrofoam, I took a chunk and sanded using a coarse piece of sandpaper, turning it into a near powder. So my thoughts were either, I need to find a way that prevent it from being ground up so fine, or the heat/ chemicals form the molding process is dissolving the Styrofoam. The latter being what I suspect is actually happening.
Has anyone tried Styrofoam in the past with any success?