The Rod is an antique unknown make bamboo flyrod. 8'6". It's previous condition was not useable. the thread holding the eyelets were so dry rot if you barely touched the eyelets they fell off. The original cork handle was very dry rot and mostly peeled away.
I completely stripped the whole thing down to bare bamboo. Almost entirely tiny light scrapes with a razor blade as to remove old varnish but without removing any wood. I had to re-secure a couple of the ferrules. I cut away the old handle section and started fresh with Walnut and Maple woods glued together. I turned the handle to shape on my small wood lathe. I used the original hardware that holds the reel. I'm proud to say the handle is a near perfect snug fit in the hardware. I lightly cleaned/polished the hardware with fine steel wool.
The wood handle has Ivory inlays supplied from an old broken piano. hand shaped and carved with a hand knife and sandpaper, little by little til the diamond shaped ivory matched with the holes carved out.
The rod has a wrap pattern with silk thread, Green, Red and Black. The eyelet thread is secured with flexcoat epoxy...the bamboo and wood handle are sealed/coated with 4 light coats of Tru-Oil. I sanded between coats with 600 grit sandpaper.