I am going to dip tubes!
I am aware of 'horizontal' dipping, but I am going to dip vertical.
I am going to double dip to get a different color for the 'tails'.
Anyone have any ideas for what to use for containers to hold the
plastisol for dipping?
I am going to mix in presto pots (2. One for each color).
I am planning on transferring the plastisol to two different
'dipping pots' My dipping pots will be sitting on a dual burner
hot plate.
I cannot seem to find a suitable container to use for my 'dipping pots'.
I am looking for a deep (7-8") container about 6" wide.
I am about to purchase some asparagus cooking pots
(like: http://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/4547964/?catalogId=80&sku=4547964&cm_ven=Google_PLA&cm_cat=Shopping&cm_pla=default&cm_ite=default&gclid=CNe-lcXDl8cCFYgBaQodFgIK-w&kwid=productads-plaid^82946922583-sku^4547964-adType^PLA-device^c-adid^45527541823)
but I thought I would check with you guys before I do this to see if anyone
has any better ideas.
The issues I have with the asparagus pots:
1.) They seem flimsy. Seem that they would not hold heat very well.
2. Cannot see through them. Ideally a tall/narrow Pyrex type container would probably
be better so I can see through the walls for the correct dipping depth. I have
not seen such an animal though.
Any thoughts?