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Hello from South Africa!

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Been a silent member for sometime reading all bout the beautiful lures u make. WELL finally tried it out and made a 2 lures. seen below. The made from balsa hollowed out with weights and rattles put inside.


Happy to say I tried them out Yesterday. The blue one hit a death roll but the lavender one worked like a charm, and with that said caught a bass on the 5 th cast. Man I was so happy! hehehe


Thanks for all the help. Now to get cracking on some new designs :)

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Paulbee, you may be able to rescue the horizontal lipped lure that rolls. Rather than bin it, try trimming the lip a bit shorter. If you want to keep it for posterity then that is OK too. But by trimming and altering a failed bait, you are learning. Failed baits are a bonus in my mind.

They both look great and catchers too!

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Shot for the tips. Gonna try and modify the blue one, else chalk it up to experience. Already was in the workshop last night putting a new design together that should be ready for paint tonight.

My local fishing hole bass love lavender, so color wise theres not much variation. They seem to feed on a purple and black bream. So not much left to artwork. heehehe

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