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Pouring Question

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Hi Guys,

I have never poured anything yet, but I just bought a beaver mold from Del and want to start soon. I am only pouring baits for myself and maybe some for a few friends. My questions is that I see that some people melt their plastic in the microwave and use pouring pans or pyrex cups, some of you heat plastic on a burner and some of you melt the plastic in a lee production pot. Which is the easiest to do that is not a headache? I have a production pot for melting lead so I am familiar with the pot due to it looks like it functions similiar, and it would seem that it would be the easiest, but my pot always gets clogged with slag. Does the plastic pot et clogged alot also? I am just trying to figure out what to invest in. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Microwave is very easy and quick especially if you only plan to pour for yourself and a couple other people. Pouring pots are better if you're going to sell large quantities of baits. If you plan to use a pouring pot you may want to invest in multiple molds of the same style so you can just keep pouring. With the microwave you have to reheat to keep the plastic hot so this is less of an issue. Just my 2 cents.


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I would like to pour about 50 baits in less than 2 hours but I only have a 2 cavity mold. Is this possible given I dont know how long it takes a bait to cool in an aluminum mold. I dont want to make only 10 or 15 baits. I understand that the production pot takes about 40 minute to heat and that the glitter settles on the bottom and burns. A microwave sounds fast but I iwould imagine that you can only pour as much as what is one Pyrex cup. Also, I would be pouring beavers so I do not know how much I can get out of 1 cup if I did it in a microwave.

Could someone tell me how long it takes to heat on a burner like they sell in LC?

Can you store premixed colors? Such as making a 1/2 gallon of Green Pumpkin for later, or do you have to mix it right when you heat it? I would appreciate any help.

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Using the microwave with that mold will give you pretty good results, or you can buy a cooking pot heat your plastic in there and then pour it into pyrex to pour.

Lee Production pots don't work well due to salt and glitter clogging, not to mention its very slow at pouring for this type of mold.

Best thing to do, Goto the store and buy a alum pot 1 quart - 2quarts

buy a small cookie sheet or something flat.

Place the cookie sheet on a big burner , then place your cooking pot on it.

heat the plastic in the microwave pour it into the cooking pot. ( the heat from the burner will keep the plastic hot)

I am guessing maybe 3 cups plastic for 50 maybe 2?

pour the cooked plastic into a pyrex measuring cup and pour into the mold.

Heating the plastic in the microwave is quicker. Thand heating it in a pot.

The cookie sheet keeps the plastic in the cooking pot from scorching on the bottom as the cookie sheet will spread the heat out more.

The pyrex measuring cup will give you fast flows when pouring,

Yes you can premix colors

hope that helps


heat teh plastic in the microwave, then pour it into the pan.

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