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used stick molds

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He still needs plastic and such, hence the $100 price. The kit from Del is a good deal. However, if you're unsure about being able to pour worms, wannabe tells it straight, you won't lose much on the re-sale of the mold itself. Getting rid of a partial jug of plastic, color and glitter, on the other hand, is gonna be hard :)

You could take a minimal approach, and get a pint of plastic, a flipping worm mold, and a jar of color, and go wild, could even get a RTV mold from Lurecraft for about $10, but pouring a one sided mold is completely different from a 2-piece. List where you live, there might be a board member close that wouldn't mind you dropping by their shack for a test run.

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or you can make one out of POP then its just your time involved and very little money.

I've seen used ones on ebay go higher than they sell for new

I am not going to name names but I watched one of our own forum members do that very thing several weeks ago. I think it was 3 or 4 dollars more.

Seems like it would be better to put the extra money into shipping a new mold and be able to buy some glitter and/or coloring to boot.

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