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Crystal Sheen

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I am curious about this product. Anyone know where I can purchase it? Also, there was a thread on here with a link to some about this product. The only question I have for those of you that have used is: Acording to the info I read, it said "not for outdoor use." Any input you folks can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I got mine at www.alpineimports.com ,it's under speciality coatings made by a company called ETI, did not read anything on it though that said not for outdoor use,claim's it's waterproof alcohol proof,paid 9.29 for 16 oz's plus shipping,got it in 3 days,I don't know if it's any better than flex coat or devcon but so far I have had good result's


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The packing for Crystal Sheen does say not for outdoor use.? So does Envirotex Lite and I think Flex Coat,maybe? Look at it this way, when something is rated for outdoor use it generally means the item is left outside 24 hours a day. How long are the baits really outside!? I have used this stuff for a long time with 100% satisfaction. It is used by more baitmakers than people realize. It is harder than Flex coat. I saw a post somewhere that said they , flexcoat and crystal sheen, where the same thing. I do not believe this. A simple fingernail test will tell you this. Ijust think it is the best for large baits. I dropped a 7 inch jerkbait over the weekend while testing at the river. It fell directly on a big rock and I could not find even a scratch. One note however,it does take at least the 72hours as noted on the package to harden completely, dry to the touch in 6 hours or so. I however like to let the baits set for a week before testing. Just my 2 cents. 8O8O

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Nathan,I think the working time is the same maybe a little better than flex coat,better than devcon, of course I'm fairly new to this bait making but I guess that kinda help's give me an open mind on trying different stuff,clean up seems the same,also I have had almost no fish eye's with the sheen where with the other two I was constantly fighting them


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Nathan the durability part I'm not sure of but after curing about 3-4 days it seem's pretty hard(harder than what i'm getting outta f.c.) and I've only got to go fishing once since starting to use it(work,work,work) but seem's pretty scratch resistant, unlike devcon though I'm sure it will take multiple coats,maybe Blackjack can give some insight on the number of coat's he is using ? I've started with 2 but may need another ?


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The crystal sheen should be mixed 1 part to 1 part exactly.!!!! I can not stress this enough.Mix for at least 2 minutes and make sure to mix hard enough to get bubbles in the sheen. I then use a propane torch passed lightly across the bait to release the bubbles. Please note that the carbon monoxide is what causes the bubbles to release , not the heat. Two coats are used by most of the baitmakers I know who use the sheen. I use 4 coats just because I want a thicker coating. Am trying another product by EVT which is called EX-88. I believe it to be harder than Crystal Sheen after initial tests. Will find out soon if it may be too hard(like Devcon) for muskie baits.

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