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weed guard glue

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can anyone help me on this part of the process in making flippin jigs? I am having great pours now with my molds, my powder paint looks great. my final problem is the weedgaurd.

  1. should i have a pin or something in the weed gaurd hole during painting?
  2. what type of glue would anyone recommend for keeping my weedgaurd in the hole. i have had problems with it coming out with conventional super glue.

again, im in the early stages but im starting to get the hang of this any help is appreciated thanks in advance.

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can anyone help me on this part of the process in making flippin jigs? I am having great pours now with my molds, my powder paint looks great. my final problem is the weedgaurd.
  1. should i have a pin or something in the weed gaurd hole during painting?
  2. what type of glue would anyone recommend for keeping my weedgaurd in the hole. i have had problems with it coming out with conventional super glue.

again, im in the early stages but im starting to get the hang of this any help is appreciated thanks in advance.

Well it's nice to see someone close to my neck of the woods. Welcome aboard. If you need any more help, post your lead questions in the Wire Bait Section. You will get a lot more responses there. Myself and others will be more than glad to help you out

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If you are having weed guards coming out with the super glue, try using the super glue gel. Also it is way less messy and does not wick up the fibers of the weed guard.

When painting jigs, I use a piece of PTFE teflon rod in the hole. I heat the jig head, insert the teflon rod, dip in the powder paint and immediately remove the teflon rod. Leaves your socket for the weed guard paint free. You need the proper diameter teflon rod which can be purchased from McMaster-Carr. Good luck and welcome to the Underground.

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If you don't put something in the hole, paint will get into the hole and you'll have to drill the hole to remove the paint. I use dowel rods (Wal-mart, cheap!!) just get the right size for your weedguards. FG30 is 1/2 inch. Cut the dowel into small pieces (you can use any kind of snips) and put into the pinhole. Just twist out after painting and then you can bake.

For gluing I use Goop. Had too much trouble with the Devcon "setting up" before I used all of it. I threw away the little "funnel' on the top of the Goop tube and just dip the end of the fiberguard in the top of the tube. If you get too much in the hole, not a big problem as it is clear. Too much Goop will leave a small "ring" around the outside base of the weedguard, but doesn't wick up the fibers like super glue. And the smell in not bad! I let the jigs sit overnight.....I've never had a weedguard pull out of a bait with Goop.

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I could use some info on the Teflon rod that was mentioned.What temp will it tolerate?Sounds like it could be used as a dipping rod for tube lure making.A person would not have to lub the rod,but then maybe the plastic wouldn't stick to the rod long enough to cool in shape.Food for thought!:)

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I'm not sure what the temp range is on the teflon rod, but it is pretty high. The only way I have been able to destroy one is I accidentally left it in the jig and ran it back to the flame to flow the powder paint, it was toast then. I use them in the spin casting mold where a metal pin would be used in a Do-It mold. They last forever. I am not sure but do think the properties of the stuff is listed on the McMaster page with the rod. Go to www.mcmaster.com and type in the search box - 'PTFE TEFLON' and it will take you to the pages with the rod, it comes in all different shapes.

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No I am not related to Dave. He used to post on here quite often, but have not seen him visiting recently. He contributed alot to this forum, I too learned much from his posts. I would be honored to meet the man. Glad I was able to help you, good luck with your idea, I think it will work.

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As for super glue gel, try the Loctite Brand of Gel super glue, also available at Wal Mart.....it's a silvery color plastic bottle with two ridged blue sections on the sides for squeezing. I've had a bottle on the bench for sometime, doesn't dry out like others....still good after 6 months or so.

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