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cucumber color

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thanks nova I will try to get a pic, of the Zoom Cucumber seed color, as for writing down formulas, that is kinda a no brainer BUT most are just errors and don't really want to repete, when I find something I like I do put it in a note book, trouble there is there just isn't enough time in a year to fish all the colors I think might be good ones besides the Glad Company don't have enough baggies to hold all the colors you come up with while expermenting, heheheheheeee

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Hear you go... You may have to adjust the flake slightly to your liking as you can add the shaved black flake also as pictured


6oz plastic 3drops of Green Pumpkin (LC), 1 drop of white (LC), 1 drop of black (LC)pinch of large black flake, pinch medium holo silver, smidgen of lime green


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Jim that doesn't sound like the picture looks.

What I see in the picture is 4oz plastic; 1 drop black, with fine green glitter and two types of black glitter.


Might be but I matched mine to a Zoom cucumber french fry. I think the thin legs on the lizard are throwing it off. If you look at the body, you see the green though.

I wish I had a shot of one of mine but the recipe is very close to Zoom's bait.


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Jim I think you are right on the money:worship: I was REAL close but forgot about the white, now that you mentioned white DING DING DING :yay: that is what I was missing, Thanks a ton............ A PICTURE never looks the same as "in the hand" that is why I don't like posting pics....... Nova you are missing out not throwing that color up north, it should come with a disclaimer about injuries when used.:D Thanks Again Everyone

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