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bondo body filler/fiberglass resin mold ?

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Has anyone had any experience making a mold with this stuff? I have done plenty of the fiberglass resin, and most I like very much except for the shrinkage and warping. I recenty made a two piece mold for lead using the Bondo body filler mixed to about 50/50 with fiberglass resin to thin it down(maybe just a tad more filler than resin) and it worked fantastic. Has anyone used this with soft plastic? The mold I just made for the lead weight didn't seem to shrink or warp, but it was pretty small. Maybe if it was larger you would still experience the shrinkage and warping? If anyone has tried this, did you have to seal it with Devcon or the like? I know that you don't need to with the resin, but I am curious about how the filler affects this issue. Anyway, just a thought.


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