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Holographic eyes

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what size do most people use and what size do they want the pupils in the circle of the eye ?

Also does it matter if they are pressure sensative and have adhesive on them since that is the way the material already comes to me.

Also does anyone think instead of a black pupil would a red one be something to try ?

tight lines

thanks in advance


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Mo.... No adhesive on the back would be GOOD!!! The eyes I use on my non-dipped will come off after a day, even with super glue. The plastic and the adhesive react quick. If you clean off all the goo, and re-glue.

They never come off!!!

Never thought about a different colored pupil before but have noticed bait fish with red pupils due to stress or damage from a predator (I guess).


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Why not take a photo of a bunch of eyes(commercial)or maybe scan them.Punch them out,and super glue them to the lure.The clear overcoat will protect it and make it shine.Just a thought.

WOW.....I think you're on to something there. Can't get any more real than that! With some of these photo shop programs out there now, I'll bet a fella could take nice close-up shots of real baitfish eyes and let it fly from there. Not to mention it would be a heck of a lot cheaper than what holograph eyes cost. :eek:

Nice goin' bojon! :yay:

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Maybe a little off topic, but once you decide on a color for the pupil, put drops of that color paint on a sheet of foil. Once it dries, mix some Devcon clear epoxy and put a drop over the paint. Let that cure and you'll have a sheet of 3D eyes on the cheap. Then gently punch them out with a paper punch.

Not my idea. I think i read it before the crash and can't find the thread. It works pretty well and you could controll the color and size of the pupils.

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We own a Printing company that has a division that does digital printing and was wondering how i could use the equipment to help with my lure building. I can use the ink on the holographic vinyl and it will hold up outdoors for 3 yrs with no protection. Not trying to get into the eye business just thought i might work out some trades since i would like a couple cranks and jerk baits painted like a old discoutinued badit i have.


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