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Painting paddletail tubes?

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First off let me say the maker of "Basstrix" baits is a real innovator and I admire his bait designs and ingenuity .

The secret to painting these tubes is to use no paint at all !

Just mix any pealescent powder color of you choice with acetone and spray the bait(s) with an airbrush before the final top coat dip in clear plastic .

The acetone will dry almost instantly leaving the pearl powder on the bait's surface. The trick is to not put it on too heavy . The final dip in the clear will seal the powder in and give it a deep finish (like clear coat on a car).

Now you know ...........Jigmeister

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So would that be the same thing as nail polish? Only thinned out. Seems like I stole some from the wife and daughter a while back when I wanted to add a touch of red to some crankbaits.If it is the same sorta thing, then I already have access to a bunch of different colors in the house.Don't know about chartreuse though?

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The secret to painting these tubes is to use no paint at all! Just mix any pealescent powder color of you choice with acetone and spray the bait(s) with an airbrush before the final top coat dip in clear plastic .

What if you want a solid color such as green?? Not pearlescent green, just flat green...Or black or white....

I guess just get that pigment in powder form and have at it!!!


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I would also like to know as this idea is great for under a layer of plastic but what if you wanted to paint this way on the outside... Seems it would just come off.

Total solution would be to find the paints like Huddleston, Matts, etc used on their baits...

Seems this will work perfectly though for the dipped baits!


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