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2 Piece POP Mold Question

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Hello All,

I am fairly new to making baits and have been experimenting with making my own POP molds. Last night I tried to make a 2 piece POP mold using a PACA Craw. I poured the plaster into a pan and laid the bait flat in the plaster while it was still wet tryring to submerge it about half way. After the bottom set up I smeared vaseline all over the top of the mold and inserted two popsicle sticks and put aluminum foil around the edges. I waited an hour for it to set up more then poured the second half in. I let it all set up. I puled it apart and drilled a ole in the one end to pour in. I heated up some plastic and poured the bait. THe problem is that the claws would not fill. Do you preheat the mold? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Hi Nova,

No I did not bake it, I just let it air dry and did not coat it yet with anything. I put epoxy in the one sided ones I have made previously but not on this one yet. I drilled out 1/16 dia. holes one each claw and one on the body so it is vented, but maybe there are not enough. The plastic will only run down the arms of the baits but never make it to the claws. I am a little stumped on what else to try thats why I posted here. Do you think epoxy will help? I know it makes it shiny but did not know if it would help he flow of plastic. I dont want to hand pour the claws first because the secret I think to the Paca Craw is the thick to skinny taper on the claws and I am not good enough yet to make it work. If you have any other suggestions please let me know. Thanks!

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