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Jig questions

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Have a few questions before I buy bulk materials for jigs.Anyone have a preference where to buy or not to buy from.Has anyone used the skirts from Do-it mold co.Also what kind of pattern (scale,barbwire etc.)do most of you use for bass jigs.What is the round rubber skirts with the glitter called.Do you guys make your skirts from bulk or buy already banded ones.Would really like to get my materials soon but a little unsure which molds skirt material and hooks to buy.Looking to make jigs to flip grass,blowdowns,docks etc.,and football jigs.They also have some good looking precast jigs at do-it.Are the Mustad ulta point and mega bite hooks the best to use.I know this is a lot at one time,but I know someone here will help.I'm at work and just talked with the wife,told her what I was up to and she said to ask your thoughts on getting an eight month old to go to sleep(ha ha).Thanks for any help.

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8 month

Play harder and longer with your baby

and keep a routine....very important

when its sleepy time, soft music, tummy rubs, little massages on the hand foot and legs, perhaps lay on the floor, and don't talk keep quiet....

then take a small nap with you baby.....at least that's what I did and it worked well.

jigs I like silicon, or a nice 50/50 mix with rubber

I band now but am changing to tying....makes a difference to me

as far as where to buy.....janns, barlows its all good

peace and hug and kiss you kid a ton....they grow up way too fast

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Barlow's and Stamina are also companys that produce nice products. I prefer Starflash silicone for my jigs. IMO, don't skimp on materials. If you are going to make your own jigs, they might as well be top notch. The materials to make topnotch jigs are not that expensive if bought in bulk.

I'll definitely agree with the starflash skirts. I've been using them for the longest time, excellent quality. For a softer skirt, I use hydrosilk. Maybe they are pricey, but definitely both of them are a darn good skirt. I've never had any complaints. You can also buy these in bulk.

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The way to get an 8 month to sleep is fall asleep yourself and let the wife rock and feed the child.

You'll sleep like a baby.

Guy on the board called the skirt-man or skirt dude has some nice stuff, janns and barlows has good stuff, just got turned on to living rubber from this board. Its all good.

As you read, different folks want different caracteristics in their skirts. I'm sure the fish don't bother with that as much as where you put the bait.

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