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Softbait Gallery

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Someone is messing around with the number of "views" of the pics in the "most views" section.

This has been going on for a while now. It started as just a few numbers and now it's up to 100's of views at a time. The pics are jumping around like fleas on a hot rock. The pic of my "Grumpys" just jumped almost 300 views overnight.

I don't care about the reasons someone might be doing this but I wish they would stop doing it. This site is about friendship and sharing as far as I'm concerned.

If I was a "newbie" thinking of joining TU and I saw this going on, I would be thinking twice about joining.

So; come on guys; park your egos at the door; and let's get on with doing what we are here for. If you can't do that, then you have to ask yourself what the heck are you doing here, as you certainly are not helping yourself or anyone else.


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Someone is messing around with the number of "views" of the pics in the "most views" section.

This has been going on for a while now. It started as just a few numbers and now it's up to 100's of views at a time. The pics are jumping around like fleas on a hot rock. The pic of my "Grumpys" just jumped almost 300 views overnight.

I don't care about the reasons someone might be doing this but I wish they would stop doing it. This site is about friendship and sharing as far as I'm concerned.

If I was a "newbie" thinking of joining TU and I saw this going on, I would be thinking twice about joining.

So; come on guys; park your egos at the door; and let's get on with doing what we are here for. If you can't do that, then you have to ask yourself what the heck are you doing here, as you certainly are not helping yourself or anyone else.


I am trying to figure out whats the problem. Hits/most views mean nothing other than someone opened that particular page. it has nothing to do with anything else.

it could be a lot of things

like someone posts the link on another website and it got looked at by that website and maybe a few mores websites.

some one couldnt get it to load and hit refresh a few million times.

robots spiders and search bots. ( more thna likely what happened

the only way to make the number go back is to manually edit it, as it will always go foward never backwards.

depnding on how the software has the hits updated you could have saw it one time then it updated.

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