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Weedless Treble hook

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I've been wanting to put weedless trebles on some of the lipless cranks im making but im having a hard time finding them. Cabelas carries them online


but not in store and Im trying to avoid having to order them online at the moment since im switching between banks. Any body have any idea how one could make these? It almost looks like the guards are soldered in but im not to sure how that would hold up.

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I've been wanting to put weedless trebles on some of the lipless cranks im making but im having a hard time finding them. ... Any body have any idea how one could make these? It almost looks like the guards are soldered in but im not to sure how that would hold up.

Weedless trebles like those would be easy and fairly quick to make. First, cut three pieces of stiff brass wire about 2" long. Keep them straight. Diameter of the wire will depend on the size of the hook, so use your best judgement.

Next, place the three pieces of brass wire alongside the treble hookshank, one between each leg of the treble, with most of the wire sticking up beyond the hook eye. Hold 'em in place by pinching 'em against the hook eye with one hand, and then bind them down with very fine copper or brass/bronze wire. After lashing them down, you can adjust them a bit, but don't bend the brass weedguard wires yet!

Step three is soldering. Acid core or rosin core solder will work fine. Heat the wire wraps gently with a small propane torch, and touch the solder wire to the wraps. The solder should immediately flow along and around the wraps, and secure everything in place. When the solder flows, take the torch away asap. Be careful, and don't overheat the hook!

The last step is bending the weedguard. Bend them down at the angle you like, and clip off the extra wire that protrudes past the hook point. Done!

The ones Cabela's offers use tinned steel wire for the weedguards, but brass spring wire is probably best for making your own.

Good luck, hope this helps.

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