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Another Newbie

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Hey everybody, just found the site after reading an article in an old FLW magazine. I am totally new to the craft and admittedly have a lot to learn. I am blown away with some of the lures y'all are able to craft. Although I have a lot of questions I will try to find the answers in the search function before asking them. Just wanted to say hi and that I really hope to learn some things from all of you. Thanks and I'll talk to y'all soon.

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Welcome to TU. Your going to find that the folks here are very willing to share ideas, information, skills, and a knowledge base without end. I'm still new to this site and learn something new a couple times a day. I retired from active-duty AF in '95. As a retired Jet Mech, this ain't rocket science... IT'S MUCH MORE ADVANCED!!!


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Ok , to start with.........while I was stationed in Phoenix I fished a lot at Lake PLeasant. A very productive topwater lure on that lake at the time was a locally made lure called a Sizzlestik. Sort of coke-bottle shaped about 4" long. When I moved back home (to Texas) I had 3 of them and promptly lost 2 to stripers. I contacted the bait shop where I got them and had them send me 3 more. I'm back down to 1 and so I borrowed a friends lathe to see if I could turn some out. I've got about 20 made so far (ready to paint) and since one of the things I read about painting was that it had to be done in a warm environment. My garage isn't heated so I guess I'll keep turning them out until the weather warms up in the spring. I originally got on this site to get some painting tips but I must say that I am blown away by the craftsmanship and detail of everybody's work. Some of the lures I have seen so far are simply beautiful. I am particularly interested in how the scale patterns are applied............is this a stencil you place over the lure and paint over or is it sort of like an applique that you stick on then paint over? Of course I will keep digging around the site to see if anyone has already answered my questions. And I want to thank all of you in advance for being so free with your info.

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Just an idea that may get you in to a paint booth sooner... What base hobbie shop resources do you have access to? I live about 10 minutes from Scott AFB and the wood hobby shop is pretty good but the auto hobby shop got a major face lift a few years ago, including a full up down draft paint booth you can rent by the hour. They have all the respairators, etc, that you can sign out, rent, buy... what ever.

As for the scales... I just bend wire and play with feathers, but I know one method is pulling a mesh over the bait and painting it, others use foil with a texture pressed in it, and still others use a photo process of some kind. All I can say is run a few searches, check the tutorials or just start a thread asking. Some where you'll get an answer.


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