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New member from across the pond!

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Hi guys,

I've been reading many posts on and off in this forum and always found what I was looking for.

I'm from France, from a small town just 20 minutes away from Paris!

I went to college in Oklahoma (OKCU) and I fished there quite a bit. Unfortunatly I live in a fairly small apartment so I cannot build lures the way I wish I could. But I like to tinker with them and to tune reels. Someday I will have a work shop and all the knowledge acquired here will pay off.

On the mean time, I write for an outdoor magazine here and I intend to introduce my readers to the wonderful world of small production lures and custom work.

I'm also a member at tackletour and I'm known there as Fbass.

If you ever come to Paris let me know, if you're tired of shopping with your old lady we can probably figure something out to get you out on the water!!

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Monsieur Frenchman, Welcome to TU, the finest collective of fishing tackle constructors in the known universe. I seem to learn something new here everyday myself.

Thank you for your kind offer to go fishing next time we get to Paris. My wife however, refuses to fly, so that would mean sailing... I can't see the sense of paying to sail to France since I already have a fairly nice bass boat.

Belleville is about 18 mile to the Mississippi River in East St. Louis. I can park my truck & trailer at the Casino Queen...a, I don't think I can make it this year...

I need to upgrade to a fish finder with GPS before my wife would ever set foot into the boat (I hate when she watches what I'm typing over my shoulder).

But welcome to TU.


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Thanks spike, I wouldn't want you to try going across in a bass boat! Although you have no idea how many times I thaught about that myself! That would be a first, wouldn't it?

I see we share interest no only in fishing but in malted beverages too!

rjbass: we have largemouth but mostly the southern half of the country. Here is pike land! we have a whole lot of walleye too but I don't care for them much. We also have here in the Seine river one big predator that looks somewhat like a catfish but it's really not a cat fish.

I'll try to find a picture later.

By the way, I see you're from Sault St marie, I thought that was canada, or is it right on the border? I drove thru once on my way to ThunderBay! I love this whole area! I've been to just about every continent in the world and I have yet to find nicer people! And lovelier ladies!!

Anyways, thanks for the welcome!!

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