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Plug Knocker/Retriever

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Welcome Shakey. I use one of the Bass Pro deals with the heavy weight and chains, and I feel lost fishing cranks without an extending pole, again like the ones BPS has with the coil on the end that you run down the line, wich works 95% of the time and is quick and painless. I use the weight and chain deal for backup, usually in the case of discarded mono or old nylon twine kor something. I consider these tools as necessary as my favorite crankin stik for fishing cranks.


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I use a 3-4 ounce piece of circular lead with a swivel first. You can keep it in your pocket. These maybe cost .50 each. Send it down the line and 90% of the time it knocks the plug off right away, or shake it and the hooks come loose. If that doesn't work I have a David Fritts type plug knocker that works. The Fritts style doesn't have chains. If that doesn't work, well say goodbye.

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