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I'm afraid I cannot answer your question. I, for one, use Adobe photoshop to play around with fish photos. If this technique of photo printing would replace your aibrush or not, that I cannot answer as well, because this is a matter of personal preference. I even don't have an airbrush, to be able to compare the 2 ways of doing things.

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Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 is photography software that greatly expands what digital cameras can deliever in terms of pictures. You can download a trial copy at http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/photoshopextended/?promoid=BONQL.

The local community college should offer a course if you want to really see what the software can do.


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Either that or, on the cheap, get a dispossible camera, develpe the film at wally-world, then scan the photos to you pc...:huh: What, no scanner, then fax copies of the photos to your pc... ;) What, no fax/modem card, stop a teenage off the street, have them take a photo with thier cell phone and email the pix to you, then you can play with it on your pc with the FREE trial copy of PhotoShop, or don't....:wink:

Thanks the laugh,


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