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Swim tube tails

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How many dips do most people use for the tails on the basstrix style minnow. I tried to use Del's method but with only one dip on the tail (padle) itself it just seems kind of flimsy. I'm using salt water plastic. Since the water here has 6" of ice, I have no way to field test them. Any thoughts?

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2 dips to the tail. Usually, stepped in this sequence. 1st is 2/3 up the body, 2nd 3/4 and then 3rd full, 4th full. Salt Water will be really hard once it sets up in a week or so. Try MF Worm, as this is the same stuff Basstrix uses. If not Calhoun will work as well, its' what we use ( a mixture of Tube and Super soft)

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Tubeman are you using Del's dipping rods or did you make your own? Also what Temp is your plastic when you dip? that makes a difference on how thick the plastic will be. I also just noticed in some pic's of Basstrix on a web site that they look like a tag end is cut off at the nose. so my next question is do you just let the plastic run off the nose of the bait and then just cut off the long stringy tag after every dip? Or do you angel it back so it runs back onto the bait?

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No, I made my own this time. About 320 or so. Basstrix makes a Paddle Tube with their own dipping technique as do I. Mine don't have that string nose because I learned how to dip tubes prior to dipping Swimbaits. To fill in the nose section you will need to let it drip a little on the first 3 dips, the trick is to point the dipper upwards before the drip runs off the nose. This is something you will need to practice, its time consuming to get it down right...but well worth it.

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So you mean on the first three dips, you lean the dipping rod backward as you pull it out of the plastic so it drip's off the bait just behind the nose on the belly side? do you flip the rod just before the plastic cools to avoid having a string of plastic set up behind the nose of the bait? Thanks a lot for your great info I really appreciate it.

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Here is a few i did, I think im starting to get it down. Who is using Del's Rods? I would like to see a pic of each of his."that sounds kinda faggy i know LOL" The bad lighting in the pic didn't show the color good so i photo shopped it--- gave them a plastic wrap affect.. witch brought out the color better. My lateral line is a pea#### Herl Feather The eyes are Goggley Eyes They Rattle are cheap and seem to work fine. do to the big bulgy eye's I think im going to call my version the BugEye MinnowkAqeJm3aHgDWCeL00KbiMoQKduWK9-UlN96EH_GXfRfctLVPliGhEsRLmMwzQkL6XHTWkkdpV6_5FJLVQXQNw8QyQKrJL2boTVqFIDGTubk8tNo2wIkXc7yjY8bXuUfmDDk8Q_BXjfiFWwoLxxVe4KJLy74CLs_APiXre6OI76g6FA05UKwZSZSKRTgkPRHvsEZHFfurgiZ9TTLDPNq9_0,BugEye%20SwimBait.jpg,pictures,3888685,1197875636,JPEG%20image,Yes,allb6cTHeRfkSynr6mIIJg4CdOLhbg7Rm0Oh0Ejt7De5A-RNMyTXg6PtEoZjFIRTxpD46obOxIiSnEnq9oV943zTE33wImNHFJMZf-ZzuQ9XIA,BugEye%20SwimBait.jpg,pictures,3888685,1197875636,JPEG%20image,No,all

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Nova, Yes you can do it from the stem or you can get them packaged already plucked. I got mine at a local Tackle shop that sells fly tying stuff. I also mold them in each pincher on my Harry Beevs for myself. you guys should try that. Guys that have seen them around hear want me to start selling my Harry Beev like that.

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