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Monkey. The molds from netcraft are the injection type and they only work with their injectors. Their injectors r junk! what do you expect for 10 bucks. I do have some of their molds thow and they do pour a good bait, but I have used a syring to enject the plastic in them seems to work better but not the safest way to do it. Be careful! From what I am told from a friend that used to work there years ago, they do not use their molds or injectors to pour the baits they sell under their name, hum why is that? Dont get me wrong guys they do sell some nice stuff there but soft plastic stuff is not their cup of tea. Just my opinion!

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Monkey. The molds from netcraft are the injection type and they only work with their injectors. Their injectors r junk! what do you expect for 10 bucks.

Now I don't feel so bad. I thought that's what those Netcraft molds were, but wasn't sure.

Yeah.....they flat out suck. Mine were tossed the minute I tried 'em.

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I also fell victim to the allure of cheapness (is that a word?) before reading all the horror stories in these pages. I tossed the injector right away, however the stick mold I got with it works well if you drill out the gate so you can pour into it but the method used to hold it together is a pain. Good luck


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I have to agree. I have a bunch of molds from lurecraft and love them, but the once from netcraft have caused me to have some pretty bad burns from that cheap injector. I had to learn the hard way. I like the syringe idea. I have a few molds and they do a good job, I just dont have anything to inject with after I threw the netcraft injector upside the wall!!!!

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