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Dumb thing's I do !

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everytime I get a pretty good paint job I drop it (dirt on the floor) :pissed:

put my first coat of epoxy on only to come back 30 min. later to find them all on the counter(stuck) because I had my dryer under a shelf that knocked them all of 1 by 1 :oops:

have flies epoxyed to my bait's(my shop is outside) interesting pattern though ! :rolleyes:

be drilling bait's not set the depth and drill thru the back :censored:

try to get just one more bait out of that batch of 20 min old epoxy(look's like a bait that survived a nuclear attack) 8O

even after all this I still love trying to make these baits( I'm a glutton for punishment) :D


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I have a feeling that most of us have done most of the things you mentioned, although I personally haven't epoxied any lures to a counter. I consider screw-ups to be opportunities for learning experiences however, and with that attitude I never really trash-can a lure, but just fix them, sanding, scraping, adding and removing lead etc, and move on. I guess it is the tinkerer in all of us that allows us to persevere without too much hand-wringing, and move on. :D


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I got a good laugh out of this post and can certainly relate.

I have stuck two epoxied baits together when trying to put them both on the drying rack....doh!

And, like you dropped it onto the floor after spending three hours creating the "perfect" bait....dogonnit!

I have put on masking tape too soon on the paint only to see half of my paint "pull off" with the tape........oh no!

Tried to touch up a bait and not realized which way the paint was aiming.....shot myself in the chest, face, hand, etc......what in the?

Not mixed the epoxy long enough only to find the next morning that half of my beautiful baits were now stickly globs.......sigh.

Mixed the expoxy too long, too much, now the bait is covered with bubbles, hmmm, wonder if it will still work?

And this is just the "small list" for hard baits, shall we start another for plastics?

Thanks for the laugh.


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