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Hollow on one end

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Last night my first order from Del came in so I ran to the garage and started playing around. I mixed the colors I was looking for along with the glitter and heated the plastic on a hot plate until it was about 325 degrees. I stirred in constantly and poured the plastic right into the mold. (5 1/4" stick from del) Anyway, they came out MUCH better than I was expecting for my first pour. However, on the pouring end they were hollow about 1" down. I poured about 12 worms and only one wasn't hollow, but I don't know what I did different on that one worm.

Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Nova is right, if you watch it you can actually see it get sucked back in. However, there is an upside. The cavity makes it easy to insert a small cylindrical weight before Texas rigging or a weighted straight shank hook for an exposed hook. But my favorite is when pouring a transparent color, setting the main color aside and topping off with chartreuse, red or black. This gives you a nice bloodline for the first inch and a half or so.


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A sure fire way for cold molds is to pour 75-80 percent of the cavity; let cool a little; then pour the rest. The tops will be solid almost everytime.

If one or two are not, I cut off the hollow portion, put the lure back in the cavity and pour the the rest, topping off any contraction back into the hole.

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