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Hair Jigs question

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I know this isn't the answer your looking for... it's the egg knog talking. Have you checked out the "Hair Jig Club for Men"???

I think it depends on how you tie them up. Bucktails are a long time standard to jig tying but, they don't have to be the only presentation on the hook. Adding a few hackle feathers onto a jig will add some movement and can give a jig a "Jazzed up" look. The synthetic hair that was out when I was learning to tie wasn't very good and I haven't tied it in over 35 years.

Often I find that lures rely on how much faith you have in them. It seems like the more faith, the more effort you put into learning to fish them. Success breeds success. Which one works better for you?

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If you have friends who hunt deer, you will find that the tail hair (bucktail) from a younger deer is much more soft and supple....will move a little easier than most of the large bucktails you buy. Rabbit hair is excellent and a few of the locals prefer bear....one fellow on this board tied a bunch of gaudy neon two and three toned jigs for walleye and caught a lot of smallmouth using those jigs as well. They were all craft hair jigs. It just depends on conditions and presentation.

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