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Seasonal Depression

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You sure know how to open a can of worms! Keep check on your post. There should be several hundred replies before long! Just kidding with you. Welcome to TU! I don't know whether or not you will be airbrushing or hand painting. I guess the best advice that I could give you is to start with acrylics. They are easier to learn with and a lot less hassle when it comes to cleanup. As far as the sealer, most here use an epoxy topcoat! Good luck and happy painting!

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Welcome,and go ahead and plan on buying yourself a good airbrush and several different colors of createx.Get you some old baits that you dont mind trashing and go at it,after a little practice with the airbrush and createx then you will already know most of the tricks to make them look good.Allot of different opinions here as far as a topcoat but I really like 2T Devcon thinned just a bit and brushed on.Hope this will help get you started.

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You should do fine with the badgers but you will need the two stage brush for most all of your painting to get any kind of detail.createx is already thinned for airbrush ,just shake it up real good and you should be o.k. Some of their colors seem to shoot a little better thinned with a few drops of water but most shoot very well rite out of the bottle.dont try to overthin it or you wont like it much.if you are not able to shoot createx without thinning it most of the time you either have a dirty brush or too low pressure,you will just have to tinker with that but keep in mind that you want to shoot with the lowest pressure you can get results with.I am taking it that you do know the importance of having both a good water seperator and pressure control valve on the compressor,you must have both to get where you want to be.You can find a wealth of info that will help you just by doing some searching in the hardbait forum but what I have told you is pretty much the basics and you will figure out allot more just by spending time behind the airbrush.Dont be afraid to try different things as you paint because with the createx if you paint a bait and dont like something about it you can use just a light thinner and take it rite off,of course before you clear coat you can,if you use the devcon then once its on there its there to stay.Hope this helps you get going and I strongly reccomend you to search the hard bait forums for information.I enjoy helping fellow painters get started but what I have told you here and a whole lot more is there for the taking.Just remember,if you learn any new tricks while doing this please share them with others here.You will find out that there is a good group of folks here and some super,super talented bait makers and painters always willing to share info.

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