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Where do you pour?

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I just started pouring and I pour in my attached garage. I bought a workbench from Lowes and set up on that. I always open the main garage door about 2 feet and open the side garage door all the way when I pour. I also wear a respirator because the smells give me a migraine if I don't.

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I'm set up in a very large air conditioned garage. I have a floor fan set up about 6 feet away on the left of me. This is positioned to lightly blow the fumes out about the 10 inches I have opened in the sliding glass door to the right of me. I slowly exhale as I'm pouring. I really don't get much smoke at all unless I get the plastic too hot or remelt scraps. I use M-F plastic and it doesn't smell or smoke too bad. When I first started pouring, I was getting bad headaches. The pastic I was using at the time both smoked and smelled pretty bad. Drinking lots of water helped, but the headaches completely stopped when I switched plastics.

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from about 1997 to 05 i poured in the kitchen right on the stove, used the oven hood and microwave, worked well. made unreal amounts of baits standing there, lol now in my new house, 1/4 of the basement is a seperate room with a dual fan oven hood that is ducted out the window. microwave directly below and side skirts off the hood to the bench. works well, no worries on fumes.

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